August 17 was the 20th anniversary of the death of Rudolf Hess, formerly Adolf Hitler’s deputy in the Third Reich. Like Der Fuehrer, Hess chose to die by committing suicide (albeit at the age of 93). Since then — and, like the incestuous coprophiliac himself — the anniversary of Rudolf’s death has been marked each year by neo-Nazi commemorations. Thus the ABC announced Danish neo-Nazis to march in Rudolf Hess’s memory (August 17), while a similar march in Germany was banned. The latter march was to have been organised by the NPD — which, incidentally (and according to a report in Deutsche Welle), has come up with a novel solution to a permanent problem: “NPD leader Udo Voigt meanwhile told Berlin’s Der Tagesspiegel newspaper that his party was going to set up “mobile offices” in cars after the organization was unable to find a landlord willing to rent them space for fear of attacks. “They’ll need good garages,” an anonymous official for Berlin’s domestic intelligence service told the newspaper, adding that the high number of left-wing radicals in the capital made the vehicles likely targets for attacks.”
Arf arf.
In Denmark, meanwhile…
Clashes mark Nazi’s death anniversary
August 19, 2007COPENHAGEN • Some 60 people were arrested in Denmark yesterday following a neo-Nazi march marking the 20th anniversary of the death of Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler’s deputy in the Nazi Party, police said.
Clashes broke out between neo-Nazis and counter-demonstrators from the anarchist Autonomer group in the Danish town of Kolding, police said.
Some 50 counter-demonstrators were detained after they attacked a car belonging to a neo-Nazi, Kolding police spokesman Frede Nissen told AFP.
Eight neo-Nazis had previously been arrested during a “Hess Memorial March” that attracted 100 people. Three of the demonstrators were arrested for assault, four for violating public order laws, and one for illegal weapons possession, Nissen said. The neo-Nazi march was originally due to be held in the southern German town of Wunsiedel where Hess is buried but German authorities had banned the demonstration.
In Denmark, unlike Germany, it is not illegal to display the swastika, utter “Heil Hitler” or use the Nazi salute.
The two groups had been given permission to hold separate demonstrations at separate locations in Kolding.
Rudolf Hess was tried at Nuremberg and sentenced to life internment at Spandau Prison, where he died after committing suicide on August 17, 1987, aged 93.
On the night of August 18 in Melbourne, two racist wankers smashed the window at Glick’s and assaulted a Jewish student with baseball bats (Melissa Singer, Students assaulted in racist attacks on Carlisle Street, AJN, August 19, 2007). Whether or not the wankers in question did so with Rudolf in mind is unknown; it is known that a handful of boneheads in Aotearoa (New Zealand) marked the anniversary by looking silly in public…
- Update : More on fascist food and cultural critics in The Age (Dan Oakes, Jewish community on alert after race bashing), Herald Sun (Kate Lahey, Race hate attack on Jewish teen — choice quote: “These guys were really bogans. They had very distinguishable blond mullets”) and (Natasha Robinson, Teenager bashed in anti-Semitic attack).
we’re taught that after the war
the nazis vanished without a trace
but batallions of fascists
still dream of a master race
the history books they tell of their defeat in ’45
why did they all come out of the woodwork
on the day the nazi died
they say the prisoner of spandau
was a symbol of defeat
whilst hess remained imprisoned
then the fascists they were beat
so the promise of an aryan world would never materialize
so why did they all come out of the woodwork
on the day the nazi died
the world is riddled with maggots
the maggots are getting fat
they’re making a tasty meal
of all the bosses and bureaucrats
they’re taking over the board rooms
and they’re fat and full of pride
and they all came out of the woodwork
on the day the nazi died
so if you meet with these historians
i’ll tell you what to say
tell them that the nazis never really went away
they’re out there burning houses down
and they’re peddling racist lies
and we’ll never rest again
until every nazi dies
You mean this one?
[Fruit Tingles] YOU, YOU JEWISH [Person].
Hello @ndy and other readers of this blog.
I am a journalism student interested in having a chat with any of you about Melbourne music scenes and any link to neo-nazi movements.
I’d love to hear your opinions on the boycott of the Birmingham, the anniversary of Hess’ suicide or the upcoming event in October.
I’m just interested in putting your opinions forward.
Would any of you be willing to have a chat with me?
Aren t you lot horrible!!!!!
You should read this:
http://www .