“…a younger persons’ music gig…”

“…a younger persons’ music gig…” is how Dr James Saleam has described the annual Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig organised by the neo-Nazi groups ‘Blood & Honour Australia’ and the ‘Southern Cross Hammerskins’ (Melbourne, September 12, 2009). I think this statement probably trumps Ben (the ‘Commie Killer’ who plays bass for Marching Orders et. al.) and his description of the gig as involving ‘persons of a right-wing persuasion’… “and fuck you stupid fucking anarchist pieces of shit. Fucking die already.”


Anyway, over to that Lebanese Greek fella…

It’s A Small World? Who And What Is Now Mobilizing Against Us?

Dr. Jim Saleam
Eureka! #196 (8.11.09)

Electronic Bulletin of Australia First Party
[email protected]
0407 732 868
(For internal use; not for re-publication unless an article is marked)

This article might be difficult territory for some. It is a minor labyrinth of detail. Even those amongst us with no particular interest in political ‘detective work’ and an esoteric discussion about a lot of funny persons from the political twilight, might spare a moment for reflection. Why?

Essentially, it has become obvious that Australia First (and anyone else pushing a pro Australian barrow for that matter) is now on the receiving end of electronic and paper smears and incitements and at long last – confrontation.

This was shown when the Sydney Forum was picketed on September [26]. A small number of demonstrators arrived to shout ‘fascist’ at Forum guests and try to obstruct entry to the RSL venue. The Police ultimately moved them on. These people called themselves ‘Antifa’ (or [anti-fascist] as the term means) and were drawn largely from the anarchist inner-city sub-culture. A couple of websites have tried to fuel this world of marginal people with the hype to take on the nationalists physically and, although there is some sort of tension between the anarchists and the scribblers at these sites, they finally took their cue.

Some weeks prior in Melbourne, the Antifa opted to damage the shop of a man involved in organising a younger persons’ music gig. Reason: Antifa considered the gig “fascist” and “racist”. Needless to say, this may have led to other incidents and the anarchists complain of – a certain direct response.

    Herr Doktor refers here to two incidents — one on (or about) September 14; the other on the afternoon of Monday, September 28. On the first occasion, a post on Melbourne Indymedia states: “On the morning of the 14th of September, anti-fascists attacked the business of Justin O’Brien, known to be the Victorian representative of Blood & Honour, a worldwide neo-[N]azi organisation responsible for various race-hate crimes, including [?] the racially motivated murder of a woman and her baby in Belgium. O’Brien’s tattoo shop, ‘Hold Fast Tattoo’ [Hold Fast Body Art] in Burwood was painted with ‘Nazi Scum’ and signed ‘Antifa’, in addition to its windows being smashed. This comes after Blood & Honour held its annual Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig in Melbourne on Saturday night. Ian Stuart Donaldson was the singer of the late British neo-[N]azi skinhead band ‘Screwdriver’.”

    On the second occasion, Justin and three of his kameraden paid an impromptu visit to the ‘Melbourne Anarchist Resource Centre’. Staying for approximately 10 or so minutes, the boneheads demanded to ‘speak’ with myself, threatened with violence the group of six or seven individuals present (who were attending a meeting of a group campaigning against sexual violence), and stated that if there were any further ‘anti-fascist’ activity in Melbourne they would return and make good on their promise of violent assault.

    All in all, an odd way for Justin to drum up business for his tattoo studio; but I suppose that, in fairness to Justin, in these uncertain economic times, thinking outside the box is a prized tactic for aspiring small businessmen. See also : MAC statement on neo-Nazi attack on MARC.

Let us be very clear and precise. Anti-fascism is usually a game operated by deluded people at the behest of others who play from behind the scenes. A group is found that the establishment dislikes and fears. Australia First Party, the nationalist movement generally, is that target. The media reacts and smears the challenger in any number of ways. Lately, figures from the major parties and other liberal commentators have criticised our movement as a dangerous and evil thing, but our challenge grows and has raised itself to a national profile. We are still a small force, but we are taking on organizational flesh.

So it occurs that we must now receive a dual attack: an entity (ie. Antifa) is brought to bear, one that stalks the new movement physically whilst also stigmatizing it propagandistically in the terms the establishment would have it labelled. In other words: through confrontation and harassment, we may be restricted; by calling us names in public and via reporting of the new group’s actions, some people who may be available to us as voters and activists, could turn away in confusion. Just as screaming at a bloke “wife beater, wife beater” might cause some to think he is one, so calling patriotic ordinary Australian working people “fascists”, could cause some members of the public to think it’s true – and they would decline support.

    Note that Saleam has two criminal convictions: one for fraud, the other for his involvement in the organisation of a shotgun assault upon the home of ANC representative Eddie Funde: “Saleam was living [at The Bunker] in 1989 when he provided a shotgun to two boneheads who fired into the home of Eddie Funde, the African National Congress representative in Australia. Funde and his wife were inside and shotgun pellets narrowly missed their sleeping baby. Saleam was sentenced to 3½ years’ jail for his involvement. It was also the venue for an insurance scam in which he falsely claimed the house had been robbed. He was jailed for two years for fraud.”

This anti-fascism is as much psycho-politics as physical politics. It is designed to vex, confuse and disorient. Having someone scream that the party is something it is not, to risk arrest and carry out assaults in the name of a false position, is bizarre. Yet, that is the point. To mobilize people against us, the operators of Antifa must spoon feed something to the troops to keep up their activism. “I get it”, said one old World War Two veteran, who had just been called a “Nazi” as he entered the Sydney Forum venue; “he needed a straw man to knock down, some idea in his head to keep him fighting.” True.

The anti-fascists in the street are genuine fools. They really believe that the Australian nationalists would impose fascist rule if we could, will cause no end of social turmoils and hatreds on our path to power and they really imagine that we are inspired by historical fascism. As anarchists or Trotskyites or Maoists, they are impelled to act. For sure, it is all a delusion. In fact, we intend to impose (sic) a radical democracy upon Australia! Yet, knowing this impulse to act against us exists, the shadowy players who need a confrontational Antifa to do the dirty work can move more easily to mobilize it. Hence, we observed those websites like ‘Fight Dem Back’ and ‘Slackbastard’ and which tried to organize the protest movement, had establishment connections with the Labor Party and Zionist groups and so on, were just too brazen and the Antifa was hesitant. Reasonably, pseudo revolutionaries don’t like the establishment either. So other less obvious agents are undoubtedly employed such that the new Antifa structure can be promoted into street politics and given a certain media sanction – as long as it does its job.

That was bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E., very bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.

A month or so ago, the staff at the incontinent pro Australian I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. blog ‘Whitelaw Towers’, put it out there that in Sydney at least, a peculiar clique of people based on the leadership of the former Builders’ Labourers’ Federation (BLF) in New South Wales and a network that was connected to it and formerly instrumental in the old Maoist-style Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist), had been sniffing about, setting up small structures to push odd communist type agendas.

The members of this grouping have freed themselves of much of the ideological baggage of Maoism, but have retained their taste for a radical communist solution. In that regard, these people were not beyond embracing such of the arguments and methods of the anarchists if it leads to ‘direct action’.

After yet another ‘anti-fascist’ action on October 2 in Sydney, this time aimed at a speaking event in inner-city Chippendale, the interest of the ex Maoist group in anti-fascism, was revealed. Such a small world politics can be when bad eggs return to the fray.

A certain writer appeared on the Indymedia website, someone whose suggestions are pregnant with the future. This writer, who I quickly understood to be one C. Maltby, recorded how he and his friends once turned over a literature table of a student nationalist organisation at the University of New South Wales and directly confronted the group. That was 1979. I was there. Maltby naturally omitted that he had positioned himself behind Mr. F.K. Salter chairman of our group [‘National Alliance’] and struck him to the head with a (thankfully smooth) rock. Although Salter sustained no real injury, it was a dangerous assault. Maltby was alluding to old, perhaps to his mind, happy memories. His article counselled further and aggressive action based upon the ‘validity’ of violent confrontation.

    Salter stood for the seat of Grayndler in June 1979: he gained 863 votes (1.7%). He quit the Alliance in May 1980. In October 1980, Saleam stood for the seat of Parramatta. He gained 1,248 votes (1.9%). In May 1981 the Alliance merged with the ‘Progressive Conservatives’ and the ‘Immigration Control Association’ to form the ‘Progressive Nationalist Party’; following the PNP’s collapse a short while later, ‘National Action’ was launched on ANZAC Day (April 25, 1982).

To say that Maltby is just a would-be thug underestimates the fellow and those he sails with. The Maoists were not unintelligent. He has reviewed the political landscape and – using my name to make the point – tells his readers [captain swing, Re: Anti-fascist demonstration, Chippendale, October 14, 2009]:

…Kevvie’s ALP, with the Breakfast Creek mob providing invaluable support ‘in the rear’ – but beware, the collapse of the ALP could give the likes of Saleam rallying points around which to gather votes… If Saleam et al ever get anywhere west of Parramatta in Sydney, watch out! And what will the likes of the Greens do then? Hit them with banana leaves, or try to reason with them? No, they’ll just ‘peacefully protest’ as all democratic institutions are torn apart. Only one answer and it’s still Socialism Comrades – it would be a very different form of Socialism – perhaps the Anarcho-Syndicalists do have something, other than books to sell! Cheers, The Captain.

In one regard, Mr. Maltby is dead right. Australia First intends to campaign to gather the support of working people – and Western Sydney holds many disgruntled unionists and self-employed people under the gun of big business and now too hosts a legion of young unemployed. This social pattern is duplicated in every metropolis.

Maltby proposed a new alliance to stop us from realising our objective – an alliance of the anarchist movement and leftover activist Maoism. Interesting. Now that anti-fascism is in the street, we now see the forces of our opposition meld together. We are warned and must become prepared.

I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E. is down! I repeat, we have no I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.!

The opposition, which Australia First Party and the entire patriotic movement faces, will gather in pace and in intensity. This cannot be avoided and is a reflex to our growth. How we handle it will be a major test of our courage, resources and professional acumen. Needless to say, whatever plans we may have cannot be discussed in the open on a website or in an e-mail newsletter.

Certainly, we will stand our ground and extend our reach. We intend to develop a party with popular roots and to do so over the next twelve months. Swatting the blowflies of Antifa is simply ensuring that we reach those Australians we need that we may move to higher stages in building our mass work.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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5 Responses to “…a younger persons’ music gig…”

  1. Lumpen says:

    Quoting Dr Jim “Sail Em” Saleam:

    We intend to develop a party with popular roots and to do so over the next twelve months.

    I predict this will be the longest twelve months in history.

  2. dj says:

    For a party so apparently concerned with preserving ‘the Australian way of life’ they seem to be completely ignorant of climate change and the impact it’s going to have upon the ecology, economy and society of Orstraya. Then again, they probably believe it’s all a conspiracy by the UN to form the New World Order.

    I also loled when I went to their site and they are running Joomla. What a delicious irony!

  3. @ndy says:

    ‘Campaign of racial hate’
    Jersey Evening Post
    November 13, 2009

    TWO Jersey neo-Nazis planned to distribute ‘propaganda of hate’ throughout Britain by selling CDs featuring anti-semitic songs, a court in London heard yesterday.

    St Helier-based tattooist Jon Denny-Mallen (40) and William Browning (39), a former Les Quennevais School pupil and former Combat 18 leader who now lives in London, are accused of plotting to smuggle far-right CDs into England through the Island.

    On the opening day of their trial, Southwark Crown Court was told that both men were fervent followers of the ‘blood and honour’ international music scene which promoted extreme right-wing views. It is alleged that they conspired to import CDs by Polish racist rockers No Remorse into Jersey.

    Mr Browning, who has addresses in Deptford, and Almorah Crescent, St Helier, and Mr Denny-Mallen, of St Martin, both deny one charge of conspiracy to distribute material with intent to stir up racial hatred between 1 January and 13 July 2006.

    Mr Browning allegedly arranged for the discs to be delivered to Mr Denny-Mallen’s tattoo studio in Hope Street. However, when the package was opened at Jersey Customs as part of a routine search, officers discovered the inflammatory material, jurors heard. The trial continues.

  4. Pingback: 2011 Sydney Forum ~versus~ 2011 Ian Stuart Donaldson Memorial Concert | slackbastard

  5. Pingback: Nazis enjoy the sun at the State Library of Victoria | slackbastard

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