More blah : Reasons You Will Hate Me, The happiest place on earth. | triple j’s hack: Undermining your boss [mp3] | gatewatching, Victorian Liberal staffers sacked for blogging | Christian Kerr, Blogs help Libs divide and conquer themselves
Sheesh. You’d think that Simon Morgan and John Osborn were the first yuppie functionaries to have criticised the Tory Party leadership, not the latest. In any case, the editorial brains at the Herald Sun are unhappy: “Rather than confronting what he admits are “genuine deep-seated problems” in his own party, Mr Baillieu should be tackling the Brumby Government with both hands and positioning the Liberals for the best possible tilt at the 2010 election”. Osborn isn’t taking things lying down, however, releasing an email in which Tory state campaign manager Susan Chandler allegedly made an unflattering reference to Tory candidate Adam Held: “The email referred to Mr Held as a “greedy fucking Jew” after he asked for more campaign material” (Disgust at Liberal’s anti-Semitic email,, May 12, 2008).
Unfortunately for Susan, as a result of Osborn’s leak, she’ll be desperately seeking a new employer (hopefully not another greedy fucking Jew). The cheeky young Tory continues:
“I am comprehensively appalled at the clearly anti-Semitic nature of Ms Chandler’s email.
“There is no place in the Liberal Party for that sort of base prejudice. I call on the state president (David Kemp) to terminate her employment immediately.”
Mr Osborn also lashed out at the investigation into the blog activity he was involved in.
He said the investigation was “a sham” after other internal Liberal emails, in which Mr Morgan describes federal Liberal MP Fran Bailey as a “stupid fat bitch” were published in The Age today.
“By releasing selected internal Liberal Party emails to the public, Mr Baillieu and (retiring state director Julian) Sheezel have demonstrated at best incompetence and at worst a disingenuous cover-up,” Mr Osborn said.
“Furthermore, Ms Chandler’s involvement as an investigator has tainted the process irrevocably and her involvement in the federal by-election campaign for Gippsland is a concern,” he said.
Yeah: Osborn is deeply concerned for the future of the Tory Party. Furthermore, Ted Baillieu Must GO!
See also : Liberal bad blood, Paul Austin, The Age, May 12, 2008: “Spiteful blogs and damaging emails have laid bare the factional warfare crippling the Victorian Liberal Party. Paul Austin reports.”
Young Tories: Recruiting now! (January 31, 2007) | Let’s do the Kutasi! (July 22, 2006) | I Was A Teenage Tory : John Hyde Page (December 13, 2006) | Many Young Liberals are racist, sexist, homophobic nerds. And proud. Who knew? (July 19, 2006) | HoWARd’s South Park “pals” (April 10, 2006)