The ETU (Victoria) has put its money where its mouth is, and donated a heap ’em big sum of $ to The Greens in order to support their election campaign (Union bankrolls Greens, Ben Schneiders, The Age, August 18, 2010). 125K has gone to law-talking guy Adam Bandt, while another 200K has been thrown at quack Richard Di Natale. On the other side of the equation, the ASU has thrown its weight — and I dunno how much filthy lucre — behind Bandt’s Labor opponent, law-talking grrl Cath Bowtell. Earlier, law-talking guys at Slater & Gordon gave Bowtell their big tick of approval, but until The Firm does what the ETU done and invests some of its “$19.8 million net profit for the year to June 30, up from $17.04 million the previous year” at the races, I reckon it’s so much tricksiness. In any case, the cautionary admonitions of Comrades Gerard Henderson, Paul Howes and Christian ‘The Christian’ Kerr have thus far failed to stop The-Red-Disease-That-Eats-Away-At-The-Heart-Of-Our-Democracy from swaying the moar gullible voters into supporting it — both in the polls and, presumably, cum Saturday. I’m guessing that, regardless of the outcome, the boys will continue to live a million miles away from Beasley Street.
See also : Victoria: the left-leaning state? (August 14, 2010) | Adam Bandt ~versus~ Cath Bowtell (August 13, 2010) | Unions must leave Labor // “Tracy!” (February 11, 2010) | The ALP facing extinction? (January 31, 2009).