Hung drawn quartered dead buried cremated 2010 federal election results

First, congratulations to Paul Howes (and David Feeney and Bill Shorten and Don Farrell and Karl Bitar and Bill Ludwig and Steve Hutchins and Mark Bishop and Mark Arbib) and the NSW Labor Right on a successful campaign. Were it not for their efforts, it’s highly unlikely that The Mad Monk would now be in a position to form a minority government.

Secondly, on reflection, I believe that the possibility of a hung parliament is a reflection of a real division in the electorate: on the one hand, Uncle Rupert appeared to give his personal blessing to Labor; on the other hand, a number of his drones from sector 7-G advocated a vote for the Coalition.

Thirdly, after losing the seat of Melbourne to Adam Bandt of The Greens, Cath Bowtell said “the lesson from her loss was that Labor needed to get better at explaining its policies”. Which is certainly possible. On the other hand, it may be that the Melbourne electorate understood Labor policies well enough, and ‘explained’ their verdict on them by voting for The Greens.

‘Cause they hate kids with cancer (as the famed VEXNEWS Investigations Unit discovered).

As for the rest, preliminary investigations reveal:


Deakin : NORWICK, Alex : 233 : 0.36 : +0.36
Greenway : PETTITT, Tony : 688 : 1.00 : +1.00
Lindsay : SAUNDERS, Mick : 847 : 1.15 : +1.15

In the Senate race in QLD, AF got 7,316 votes (0.38%).


Darrin Hodges and Nick Folkes can celebrate having received 1,198 votes (0.04%) in NSW in their quest to become Australian Senators. Oh, and in Mayo (SA), Party Chairman PHILLIPS, Andrew James, got 803 votes (1.05%).


Macarthur : McCULLOCH, Kate Melissa : 1,999 : 2.89 : +2.89
Riverina : HESKETH, Craig : 1,201 : 1.57 : -0.38

In their tilt at the Senate, in Victoria Rosalyn and Philip Townsend got 8,660 votes, considerably less than the party’s 13,354 votes in 2007. Like Party President John Llewellyn Groves, I blame The Jew.


Sydney : DOHERTY, Denis : 486 : 0.83 : +0.83

(In NSW, the Communists got 5,236 votes (0.16%) for the Senate.)


Blaxland : POULSEN, Ronald : 219 : 0.35 : +0.35


Lalor : RUDD, Van : 428 : 0.49 : +0.49
Griffith : CHITTS, Hamish : 456 : 0.70 : +0.70



BAPTIST, Tania : Socialist Equality Party : 369 : 0.55 : +0.55
COURTICE, Ben : Socialist Alliance : 419 : 0.63 : -0.95


COGAN, James Michael : Socialist Equality Party : 849 : 1.22 : +0.85
HINMAN, Pip : Socialist Alliance : 879 : 1.27 : -0.41


GORDON, Chris : Socialist Equality Party : 923 : 1.43 : +1.29
RODEN, Duncan : Socialist Alliance : 252 : 0.39 : -0.12

In the race for a Senate seat, Socialists stood in several states: in VIC, SA — WINDISCH, Margarita and FIREBRACE, Sharon — got 2,280 votes (0.09%), while their SEP rivals (O’CONNOR, Patrick and VONGVIXAY, Keo) — with the benefit of the donkey vote — received 6,823 (0.28%). In NSW, EVANS, Rachel and ISKANDER, Soubhi (SA) rode on a donkey to gain 17,180 votes (0.54%); BEAMS, Nick and ZABALA, Gabriela (SEP) had to settle for 2,701 (0.08%).

In Newcastle, rapper ALCORN, Zane (Socialist Alliance) got 707 votes (1.02%, an increase of 0.63% on SA’s 2007 effort) while in Wills, Alcorn’s previous venue, HAWKINS, Trent received 600 votes (or 0.86%, an increase of 0.13% on 2007).

See also : Socialism vs. 2007 Federal Election: Results (November 25, 2007).

Moar later, but in the meantime…

¡La lucha continúa!

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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4 Responses to Hung drawn quartered dead buried cremated 2010 federal election results

  1. Bob says:

    Go Tony we love you!!!!
    C’mon those last few seats!

  2. @ndy says:

    Chances are, Tony will have to form a minority government. The real q is whether or not Mr T can come up w a bribe sufficiently large to convince the three former Nationals to join him in so doing.

  3. [Peter Watson] says:

    To quote Mr Burns “oh hot dog”.

  4. @ndy says:


    I’m being nice and allowing you to comment on my blog, despite yr being a teenage neo-Nazi. That said, if you persist in adopting multiple handles, my tolerance will quickly cease… mmmkay?

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