- Titles kindly provided by the generous Spirit of ‘F*** Off We’re Full’ & Facebook by way of the Department of “As Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.”
See : Get Lost, Mate, Sharon Verghis, Time, May 14, 2009.
Bloody ZOG!
Holocaust shooting signals race turmoil, some say
Jesse Washington
June 12, 2009
Crazies. Lone nut jobs. Isolated loonies. Those are frequent descriptions of people like James von Brunn, the 88-year-old white supremacist accused of opening fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and killing a black guard.
Others believe he represents something more dangerous: a growing racist movement motivated by a number of converging factors, including the first black president.
The potential for an increase in violence from whites who feel they are slipping from power is high, people from across the ideological spectrum say.
“I believe we are headed for an unprecedented level of conflict and racial turmoil,” said Carol Swain, author of the 2002 book The New White Nationalism in America and a professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.
Swain cited anger over immigration, growing minority populations, racial preferences, high minority crime rates, the economy and multiculturalism as forces driving white people toward nationalism.
“It seems like the tables have turned for some white people, and they have no recourse except desperation,” Swain said…
Bloody Yanks!
Lifting the veil on our ingrained racism
Sandy Gifford
The Age
June 13, 2009
AUSTRALIA is a racist society. There, I’ve said it. I’ve wanted to say this for the past 24 years — from the time I arrived here. Within my first week on Aussie soil a well meaning young man offered to introduce me to “boongs” — I thought he meant an Australian kind of dope-smoking pipe. When I expressed my shock on discovering that it referred to an Australian form of racism, he assured me that I would agree with him once I knew the truth. Anyway, I was a Yank and a foreigner so what did I know?
Bloody Feminists!
The Dawn Chorus — by Australian feminists, for Australian feminists. Fresh, feminist commentary on pretty much anything and everything.
Bloody Blacks!
Coroner’s damning findings on elder’s prison van death
David Weber
June 12, 2009
The West Australian Coroner has given his findings in the case of a man who was effectively cooked to death in the back of a prison van.
Last January an Aboriginal elder known as Mr Ward was being driven in the back of the van through the searing temperatures of The Goldfields.
The air-conditioning unit was not working and the temperature inside reached 50 degrees Celsius.
Before he died, the 46-year-old from Warburton suffered third-degree burns where his body touched the hot metal floor.
Coroner Alistair Hope handed down his long-awaited findings today.
Mr Hope said Mr Ward died as a result of heat stroke which was caused by grossly excessive heat in the pod in the transit van taking him from Laverton to Kalgoorlie.
He said Mr Ward suffered a “terrible death” that was “wholly unnecessary and avoidable” and he died as a result of a “litany of errors”…
Aboriginal Rights Solidarity Rally & Public Meeting: Self Determination Not Invasion, Stand Up for Indigenous Rights
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009
Time: 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: State Library of Victoria
Street: 328 Swanston Street
City/Town: Melbourne, Australia
Phone: 0413597315
Email: freelexwotton[at]gmail[dot]com
A public meeting also on Saturday will be at 3pm at Trades Hall Meeting Room 1.
Lab Rat Productions present: Transfer of Knowledge Project Film Night
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009
Time: 7:30pm
Location: Melbourne Anarchist Resource Centre
Street: 62 St. Georges Road, Northcote
City/Town: Melbourne, Australia
Email: monkeymarc[at]hotmail[dot]com // izzybrown[at]live[dot]com
RIP: The Black Mick Jagger (June 27, 2007). If you haven’t already, do yourself a favour and garb a copy of the Warumpi Band’s classic 1987 album ‘Go Bush’. I’m gonna upload some Tiddas to YouTube later too. One of their first performances was a benefit gig in Melbourne for the ‘International Workers’ Club’ — which, through various twists and turns of history, has now become known as the ‘Melbourne Anarchist Resource Centre’, the venue for Thursday night’s benefit gig. (An aged sober slackbastard remembers that a younger drunken slackbastard had a great time that night — I may even have the flyer lying around somewhere…)
See also : White With Fear : Flagging A New Hate (June 11, 2009) | The assault on American Indian tribal relationships… (May 31, 2009) | The Invention of the White Race (May 29, 2009) | Happy Invasion Day! (January 26, 2009) | Invasion Day Rally // Share the Spirit (January 25, 2009) | Not racists. Just patriotists. Southern Cross Soldiers go to war on Australia. Day. (January 23, 2009) | Whites not all right! Anti-White Conference bad! Exclamation marks good!!! (December 5, 2008) | Anarchism and Aboriginal sovereignty (July 16, 2008)
Another all singing, all dancing post there Andy.
“AUSTRALIA is a racist society. There, I’ve said it. I’ve wanted to say this for the past 24 years — from the time I arrived here. Within my first week on Aussie soil a well meaning young man offered to introduce me to “boongs” — I thought he meant an Australian kind of dope-smoking pipe. When I expressed my shock on discovering that it referred to an Australian form of racism, he assured me that I would agree with him once I knew the truth. Anyway, I was a Yank and a foreigner so what did I know?”
It arises from what the Spartacists correctly describe as Australia being a ‘second-rate jackal imperialist power that looks to the US for protection’ and further (and this is a great description – ) a ‘sparsely populated white imperialist enclave in Asia’.
Nothing else to say really.
Except maybe Pies in ’09.
Privyet, @ndy.
Off topic, but I was wondering if you had any opinion on Peter Marshall’s history of anarchism.
Um… well, I’ve read it — but that was shortly after it was originally published (1993). It, along with Woodcock’s history are, as far as I’m aware, the two standard English-language texts on the history of anarchism. That said, the last decade has seen a good deal more published on the subject.
Beyond this, it’s difficult to comment — apparently, a second edition was released last year?
I only ask as I picked up a copy yesterday. It looks pretty good, especially on the topic of 19th century anarchist thinkers.
Do you know any anarchist critiques of free marketism? And is it permissible to slap anybody calling themselves an ‘anarcho-capitalist’? There’s a whole bunch of right-leaning libertarians who believe that anarchism is reducible to the goal of getting rid of laws that interfere with free enterprise.
Hey @ndy,
Could you have a word to your mate Douglas Kirsner of the BnaiBrith at Deakin Uni, the same one who “tutored” my Old Man [in] the Special High Intensity Training of the JEW ?
Could you ask him to keep his Mossad Minions, the Art Peddlars from slithering about my family residence and the offices of my employer ? What is it you weasels fear ?
Perhaps while your engaged in a Masonic Circle Jerk, or what ever it is that you lot do.
Let him know I’m no physical threat to them, but that they confirm with their actions every single accusation made against them.
Let him know I feel at peace, and unthreatened by them, because I come closer to truth and discovery of what they are with every slithering deed that they do.
All you Jews have got is gloating at your ascendancy over dead people. A true death cult as Brendon O’Connell has identified. I like to think I know a little about you how you work. If you can’t silence decent people, you kill them, ’cause its all you’ve got.
You’re dishonorably, spiritually weak as Piss… Just like the notional Judas.
I wouldn’t put it past you lot to have millions of your own “JEWS” killed just to make manifest a prophecy of magnificence.