Update : More peritinent facts @ Crikey (Sophie Black — another damn feminzai) | Tits ahoy! Libs call women to the party, Patricia Karvelas (feminazi), The Australian, June 19, 2009 | The loud and erratic behaviour of Anthony Scrinis, Feminazi About Town | …and a nervous titter ran through the crowd…, Machine Gun Keyboard | Mondo Rock Video, Entertainment Depot, March 22, 2005 (“…a little less conversation, a little more action” Alright!) | “If the council has any integrity or responsibility to its people, it must either re-zone Port Melbourne to consider sea-level rise in 70 years, OR IT MUST ABANDON ALL SCHEMES FOR CARBON NEUTRALITY.” ~ Anthony Scrinis // Tones of Port Melbourne, Andrew Bolt’s Blog of Freedom, Thu 13 Nov 08 (11:19pm): Testify!
Anthony : Cheeky.
Leave Anthony Scrinis alone!
The media is reporting that Anthony (aka ‘Tones’) — an ‘adviser’ to Federal Tory politician Sophie Mirabella — has resigned from his position, following allegations that he expressed his appreciation of the female form at a party. Or to put it another way: Tones, a professional, is committed to achieving outstanding results, at the most effective cost (to er, Sophie). With over 20 years industry experience in delivering effective communication to a target audience, Tones is visually entertaining and delivers key messages with impact. Tones efficiently delivers Sophie’s vision, and helps her develop themes and presentation styles that match her project. His personal service on any sized project guarantees delivery to Sophie’s complete satisfaction.
Apparently, according to the PC fascists that control Canberra (especially its ‘Press Gallery’), this is now a “crime”.
Witnesses say at one point during the evening he burst in on a private conversation between Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull and ball guests in which he boasted in a loud voice about “hot babes” in the Liberal Party, and made exaggerated gestures.
~ Adviser to Libs female MP sacked after charity ball, Katharine Murphy, The Age, June 19, 2009
A raving feminazi called ‘mscate’ has already crucified the Young Tories for their collective appreciation of the female form (Lewd Liberal losers, The Dawn Chorus, May 22). But as Young Tory blogger / Cato Institute employee former Cato Institute intern Timmeh! Andrews succinctly put it: “To put it simply, we have all the hot girls,” the Washington-based blogger and member of the Ashfield branch of the Young Liberals wrote. “Well, judge for yourself. I present to you the conservative and libertarian girls of Australia!”
Despite an incredibly-spirited campaign, Anthony was denied a position on Port Phillip Council last year (presumably as a result of a Labor dirty tricks campaign); now he has been denied employment; will the Young Tories also deny Mr Scrinis?
I, for one, will not.
Leave Anthony Scrinis alone!
Alternatively, give Anthony a job:
Telephone — 03 9646 1868
Mobile — 0414 997 955
Email — [email protected]
Address — 334 Ross St, Port Melbourne, Victoria, 3207
See also : Scrinis not screened, Bridgit Gread, GrodsCorp, June 18, 2009 | P.J. O’Rourke vs. Pierre Bourdieu (February 22, 2009) | “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of Australia?”, Or; Campus Watch comes to Australia (October 22, 2008) | Tom Switzer : Man of Letters (October 4, 2008) | Bad BAD Blogger: When Tories Attack! (May 13, 2008) | Bad blogger! But “if you read it you’d be laughing” (May 11, 2008) | Tory! Tory! Tory! (November 22, 2007) | Young Tories: Recruiting now! (January 31, 2007) | I Was A Teenage Tory : John Hyde Page (December 13, 2006) | Let’s do the Kutasi! (July 22, 2006) | Many Young Liberals are racist, sexist, homophobic nerds. And proud. Who knew? (July 19, 2006)
See also : Go Ahead, Hate Them, It’s Good for You (January 22, 2008).
No, we as a community wont leave this woman groper alone, he deserves a slap on the head from every woman in this nation for acting like a jerk. After those 11 million slaps i hope he passes out and has nightmares about females killing him.
Nice word “feminazi”, is anyone here supportive of desexing him next time he does this again?
…and a nervous titter ran through the crowd… 😀
I like the fact that Scrinis brags on his own campaign site that he’d never registered to vote in his adult life until he wanted to be a candidate. Thinks climate change is beautiful and natural. 😀
The Liberals need more Scrinses. That’ll keep ’em in the wilderness for a good long while.
I can’t believe that any intelligent politician should employ such a moron in the first place! Any one who distorts the climate change debate such as he has done on his website with his selective use of quotations deserves to be as removed from political influence as possible.
immoral and ignorant politicians, the liberals.
“With over 20 years industry experience in delivering effective communication…”
You got to be joking! His web site does not make sense. It looks like a very selective cut and paste job.
I’m not that surprised — politicians employ all kindsa odds and sods. Not that Mr Scrinis is a moron as such — he was, after all, capable of establishing and running a business (in media). I think the real irony, given his recent behaviour, lies in the fact that he was being employed by a woman, and the Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Childcare, Women and Youth (Mrs Mirabella).
Mirabella is a child of privilege who expressed her compassion for the Stolen Generations by denying their existence and boycotting the session of Parliament in which KRudd delivered an apology to them on the Government’s behalf (Children removed ‘for own good’, says Mirabella, AAP, February 13, 2008). A monarchist, after delivering a speech in which he criticised George II’s regime for its numerous violations of international law, Sophie — a former barrister — claimed Malcolm Fraser was a “frothing-at-the-mouth-leftie” (Liberal MP attacks ‘frothing’ Fraser, Reid Sexton, The Age, January 6, 2008).
In sum, she is a classic Tory, in a highly illiberal party in which statist reactionaries run rampant.
I’m not actually a Cato employee…
G’day Tim,
Thanks for the correction (I have corrected the post). My error was based on the bio provided @ ABC Unleashed (October 5, 2007):
“Tim Andrews
Timothy Andrews is a full-time Masters student at the University of Sydney, and works part time as a paralegal. He is the recently re-elected President of the Australian Liberal Students’ Federation, and the Vice-President (Policy) of the Young Liberal Movement of Australia (NSW Division). Timothy Andrews also sits on the Executive of the National Union of Students, and has previously interned in Washington DC for the Cato Institute. These are his personal views.”
It was much easier doing battle on the MHSOB oval than batting away the “babes” in Canberra I suspect. Good luck with the projects.