Oh Canaduh…

By the looks of things (see below), Tomasz “Wanker” Winnicki may be joined by some of his neo-Nazi kameraden sooner rather than later.

But, as they say, “that’s Canada”.

In Australia, the WA DPP is too busy prosecuting Aboriginal teenagers for racial vilification to worry about prosecuting organised White supremacists such as David Innes (“Baron von Hund”), his brother Paul (“Steelcap Boot”) and partner Lilith Peterson (Stormfront Down Under); while convicted neo-Nazi criminal Ben Weerheym also remains free to spew his own special brand of racist stupidity / to spread cheer and goodwill among WA’s multi-ethnic and multi-racial population. One can only assume that the DPP believes prosecuting Aboriginal youth for racial vilification is the best way to address racial antagonism and inequality in West Australia.

Sounds a bit odd though, don’t you think? After all, WA authorities justified their introduction of this legislation as a result of the terror campaign Jack van Tongeren’s Australian Nationalists Movement conducted in the 1990s — a group which Weerheym was a member of, and a fact which he has since admitted he lied about at his trial. In fact, the WA DPP did, apparently, consider prosecuting Weerheym, but decided, for whatever reason, not to.

‘Neo-Nazi threat on judge’
Toronto Sun
July 29, 2006

LONDON, Ont. — Police in Missouri have launched an investigation into a call on a white supremacy website to kill a Canadian federal judge and an Ottawa lawyer.

“We have some letters from some people in Canada,” said Jim Hughes, chief of Kirksville, Mo., police. “We take these complaints seriously.”

Hughes said other law enforcement agencies have been consulted.

“It is too early to predict an outcome,” he said.

But, he added, the subject of the investigation is known to police.

“I would just say I have met him.”

The subject is white supremacist Alex Linder, who lives in Kirksville.

Linder runs Vanguard News Network, a U.S.-based white supremacy website.

Last week, Linder posted a message on the site that said his organization would support the killing of Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad von Finckenstein, members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Ottawa lawyer Richard Warman.

“Killing Warman, ‘judge’ von Finckenstein, or any of the Jews who make up the dictatorial ‘human rights’ council . . . would be a genuine act of patriotism,” Linder wrote.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission and Warman alerted the Internet service provider that hosts the website and Kirksville police about Linder’s message and other threatening messages on his website.

The Internet service provider pulled the plug on Linder’s website Friday, but another site has carried Linder’s call for the assassinations and has even posted Warman’s address. The Internet comments were made in response to the jailing two weeks ago of London, Ontario, white supremacist Tomasz “Wanker” Winnicki.

Death threats a ‘concern’
Alex Hebert
Ottawa Sun
July 30, 2006

OTTAWA LAWYER Richard Warman is a man white supremacists love to hate and, once again, he finds himself at the centre of their rage over a recent court ruling.

Police in Missouri have launched an investigation into a call on a white supremacy website that demands the murder of Warman and a Canadian federal judge.

The posting was made in response to the jailing two weeks ago of London, Ontario, supremacist Tomasz “Wanker” Winnicki, who posted frequently on the Vanguard News Network — a U.S.-based supremacy website.

Winnicki was jailed for refusing to obey a Federal Court order prohibiting him from spreading hate messages online.


The site’s administrator, Alex Linder, posted a message saying his organization supports the murder of Warman, Federal Court of Canada Justice Konrad von Finckenstein and any members of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

An Internet service provider pulled the plug on Linder’s site Friday, but some of the information made its way onto other sites, including Warman’s address.

“It’s certainly concerning,” said Warman, who has been exposing neo-Nazis whenever he can by taking them and their websites to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, which can force them to pay thousands in fines.

“I think any time you have someone on a major U.S. neo-Nazi website attempting to incite the murder of you and a federal court judge … has to be cause for concern,” said Warman.

This isn’t the first time Warman has felt the wrath of neo-Nazis in North America.


Warman has been called “an enemy of free speech and enemy of freedom” and the “high priest of censorship,” has received death threats and has had his picture, address and even pictures of his parents posted online by white supremacists.

Warman told the Sun last year that a lack of action on the part of police and the Human Rights Commission has forced him to fight the cyberspace battle himself.

“What am I supposed to do? The stuff is there. Something has to be done about it,” he said. “It would be nice if the system was going after it, not me.”

Warman said he hasn’t received any threats as a result of the website post and said he’ll “be happy to keep it that way.”

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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