Dr. James Saleam has done it again. Re-set the agenda for the 2006 Sydney Forum (August 26-27), that is.
For some reason, Sandy Thorne is no longer being advertised as a speaker, and the Syrian Ambassador has also seemingly withdrawn from the event, only to be replaced by ‘A Surprise Syrian Speaker’ who, much like the Ambassador, ‘Will Address On The Middle East Crisis’: although s/he will hopefully have a better grasp of diction than Dr. Saleam…
His Excellency Tamman Sulaiman, Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic
“The Ambassador will speak on the Syrian position on the war in Lebanon, the resolution of the Palestine question, Israel and related issues. This is a special opportunity for Australians to obtain a direct view on the crisis of the region. The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic will provide useful materials for the audience. Questions will be answered. It is the view of the Sydney Forum that no Australian soldiers should be employed in the Middle East in roles that inevitably serve Zionism and the American agenda. Perhaps the views of Syria deserve real consideration in defining these issues.”
“The Syrian position on the war in Lebanon, the resolution of the Palestine question, Israel and related issues needs to be explained. This is a special opportunity for Australians to obtain a direct view on the crisis of the region. Useful materials for the audience. [“Useful materials for the audience.” Huh?] Questions will be answered. It is the view of the Sydney Forum that no Australian soldiers should be employed in the Middle East in roles that inevitably serve Zionism and the American agenda. Perhaps the views of Syria patriots [?] deserve real consideration in defining these issues.”
Yeah well, maybe just those ‘Syria patriots’ (sic) who manage to remain unaware of the role of the Australia First Party, the Patriotic Youth League and other neo-Nazi elements in first encouraging and then attempting to profit from the racist mob violence at Cronulla in December last year.
And maybe His Excellency Tammam Sulaiman has avoided a diplomatic nightmare.
Take it away Sheik :
“I am disgusted that a white supremacist website (sponsored by Ben Weerheym) based in Australia profiled my picture and linked to my website. I refuse to be used for such nefarious purposes as white, Christian chauvinism, which is the enemy of the message I spread. I also unambiguously reject their anti-Jewish agenda, as well as their clear antagonism to people of color. To think that Palestinians fighting for their liberation have common cause with them shows their own desperation and irrelevence. Such fringe groups, we have to remember, are just as anti-Arab as they are anti- any other group. Though they are fringe, as the beatings near Sydney last year show, anti-Arab racism is far too prevalent to take such hate groups lightly.
I applaud those opposing fascist, ultra-nationalist groups — whether in the form of Australian hate groups, South American cartels, Arab dictators, American Neo-Cons, or Israeli leadership. Keep up the good work.”