In Oslo, two Norwegian SHARPs, 22 and 26, were found ‘not guilty’ of assault after breaking the nose of some bonehead who called them “Nazi whores”.
Apparently, the court found this to be a very strong provocation.
Knuste nesen på offeret –frifunnet (February 10, 2009).
In the 1990s, Dan Sabater (co-founder of RASH-USA, and founder of RASH-NYC) and some fellow fans of the New York/New Jersey MetroStars (Red Bull New York) had an altercation with some boneheads after a match, who ‘Hailed Victory’. By way of background, according to Dan: “In March 1990 a punk rocker was killed by right-wing skinheads just up the street from Sabotage [an anarchist infoshop in New Yawk]. On July 4, 1990 an anarchist picnic was attacked by this same mob of right-wing skins.” The skinheads were charged; the boneheads were not.
- See also : U.S. Left-Wing Militant Anti-Fascist History Vol. 1 (The late 1980’s), threewayfight, September 14, 2008 | Political Punk NYC (1984-1992) | RASH- Northeast
Funnily enough, I’ve been called a Nazi… among other things.
- Doug Smith (Bulldog Spirit, Marching Orders):
He thinks his identity is secret but he has a shop called 1+1=3=8 [sic] on Sydney Road in Brunswick that prints leftist t-shirts with spelling errors and stuff. I fronted him about the shit that he talks on the internet … but he denied it.
Ben (Bulldog Spirit, Marching Orders, Napalm Hearts):
…fuck you commies and fuck you stupid fucking anarchist pieces of shit. Fucking die already.
Doug’s mate “Mark Bastard”:
Give me your name, address, daytime and night time contact phone numbers, and I promise you I will beat the fucking shit out of you and then make a black man take a shit in your face.
@ndy you’re a fucking idiot mate and you better watch your back because when me and my mates are out and about, if we see you, ur dead.
@ndy im still going to bash you, fukn gooknigger scum.
If things turn nasty, I’m gonna haveta pray for a Jewish judge I guess…
And I asked them what they meant by anti-social,
Was he flooding the estates with low-paid jobs?
Did he make a million pounds knocking public housing down,
And making space for yuppie flats for smart-arsed yobs?
Speaking of boneheads, two local neo-Nazi franchises — Blood & Honour Australia and the Southern Cross Hammerskins — are organising a gig in Perth on ANZAC Day to drunkenly celebrate the deaths of Australian and New Zealand soldiers in WWII. Expected to attend is Pioneer Little European Paul Innes, a plasterer and the current moderator of The World’s #1 White Supremacist Website Stormfront.
Appearing live on stage will be refrigerator repairman Murray Holmes, warbling toons on behalf of local band Quick & the Dead. Making the trip up from Melbourne will be Ravenous, which features the proudly genocidal Jesse. Not making the trip will be former Ravenous/Bail Up!/Death’s Head drummer Joel — now busy tubthumping for Bulldog Spirit.
- See : Niggers Jews and Communists look out scum we’re on YouTube! (October 13, 2008) | Racism on teh Intertubes! Corporate sector reluctant to act! Earth revolves around Sun! (December 15, 2008).
For the curious, Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance) provides some ideological clarification on the subject of blacks vs. gays:
And for a little historical clarification…
Linda Yglesias
New York Daily News
February 18, 1996THE BONEHEADS and Mutant Mongrels would snatch out each other’s hair if anybody had much, but nobody does. Everybody’s a skinhead.
And that perception a grave misconception, both neo-Nazi Bones and anti-Nazi Mongrels say is the petrol for a brawl between white supremacist skinheads and bigot-bashing skinheads.
They are warring for the souls of the closely cropped.
“The largest nonracist skinhead scene in North America exists in New York City now, and it’s very racially mixed,” said Dan Sabater, a Brooklyn skinhead and founder of RASH (Red Anarchist Skinheads), whose aim is running racist skins off the streets. “Boneheads are not skinheads, they are racist aberrations, a particularly stupid bunch. . . . You can’t drive that message home without a 2-ton brick, a thump on the noggin.”
“You have skinheads who want to bash everybody’s heads in for being anyone who isn’t white,” explained Floyd Cochran, who heads Education and Vigilance, a national hate-group monitor. “And then you have skinheads who bash racist skinheads.”
They number at least 1,000, locally, Sabater said. “Race traitors” and “mutant mongrels,” the enemy Boneheads call them. Nobody here is a choirboy.
RASH first sounded the Bonehead alarm when Sabater, 22, and his cell of 12 began their handiwork out of city apartments three years ago. They hung out at Moon Ska Records, E. Second St. off Avenue A, a headquarters for Jamaican ska the original skinhead music, sullied, they say, by the neo-Nazi frauds.
“Everything we have is strictly nonracialist,” said Noah Wildman, the store’s Jewish skinhead manager. “We don’t sell racist records, swastikas, iron crosses.”
With bygone tunes in tow, they dressed in original skinhead togs. Between their Chelsea-cut heads (shaved backs, fringed sides) and Doc Martened feet (oxblood or black), Fred Perry shirts and Arnold Palmer golf jackets decked their torsos. Their arms bore the crucified skinhead, the vintage skin tattoo.
Their logic to this is clear: “The most loyal supporters of ska have been the real skinheads, traditionalists,” said Tom Burns, who moved here from Seattle. “It wouldn’t make sense for racists to support Jamaican music.”
Their words are clearer: “We dress like Richie Cunningham and we can kick your ass,” said Sabater, a bread deliveryman.
Their beef is based on history: White supremacists hijacked the British-spawned, working-class skinhead life of brawls and Jamaican music.
“The original skinhead movement was not racist but a working-class British phenomenon in the 1960s,” said Cochran. “The idea that skinheads were the front-line soldiers of God began with the white supremacist Aryan Nations in the 1980s.”
Soldier, they did. Numbering fewer than 1,000 nationally in 1988, they now approach 3,500, Anti-Defamation League figures tally. In the last eight years they have been linked to at least 40 homicides, 34 since 1990.
In New Hope, Pa., site of a neo-Nazi Gaybash in 1993, RASH first tested its powers of persuasion. “There were 300 of us assorted anti-racists, who went to stop 75 Nazis and the Klan and assorted other hillbillies,” said Sabater. “But 400 riot cops stopped us.”
Locally, on Staten Island in December, six skinheads were collared in a slugfest when neo-Nazi skins disrupted an anti-hate rally.
“A lot of working-class people are being shoved out with things like NAFTA,” said Sabater. “The far-right saw these white, working-class kids, angry and isolated, and turned them from being just a bunch of gang kids to an organized political movement of thugs.
“Somebody’s got to say, ‘Yes, there are problems, but you are blaming the wrong people.’ We just try to show them that they have more in common with Hispanics, Jews, blacks and immigrants than with old white men like Newt and Dole.”
But even as Sabater and his friends dole out anti-racist literature, they land many punches for the cause.
With their badge-covered jackets atop their dweeb daywear, they down Guinness and Newcastle beer.
Sunday is for soccer.
They gather weekly for Indian food and hand-to-hand self-defense taught by an anti-rape, anti-mugging instructor.
They reap and sow intelligence information with skinheads from Anti-Fascist Action in Britain to Anti-Racist Action in Columbus, Ohio.
Then they head downtown to music spots or suburban ska shows. Local, multi-racial bands winning anti-racist favor include The Templars, New York Metropolitan Area, Those Unknown, Broken Heroes, the Wretched Ones, the Stubborn All-Stars, the In-Steps, Oxbloods.
“I’m not going to lie,” said Sabater. “Skinheads have always been violent. There’s that gang mentality. We do in fact carry weapons for self-defense. I do in fact fight a lot.”
Back at Moon Ska recently, Dan and Tom and a skin named Abby were remembering poundings past. “We just drove to a Bonehead show in Jersey where White, Straight and Proud was playing,” said Abby, soft-spoken, 6 feet tall. “But there weren’t enough of us. ”
Abby did, however, break a nose. “I can throw a friggin’ swing,” she said, “and I do.”
How to Troll Nazis
* Talk about your happy and successful interracial relationship. Be sure to post pics.
* Talk about your happy and successful homosexual relationship. Be sure to post pics. (Doesn’t count if you’re not white.)
* Mention that the fact that all White girls have a innate, insatiable craving for a big Black cawk that no White man can satisfy.
* Ask their opinion on Barack Obama. Bonus points if you get them arrested for making terrorist threats!
* Mention that Hitler is one of the most despised and hated figures of all time, and the fake propaganda they spread isn’t going fool anybody to think otherwise.
* Say that it would be helpful to learn Spanish/Arabic/Chinese in Today’s Changing Society.
* Ask how the weather is in Russia. Bonus points if they’re actually Russian and you mention how true Nazi ideology holds Slavs as inhuman beasts.
* Suggest that their problems in obtaining gainful employment might not have so much to do with Jews and/or niggers and/or illegal immigration but perhaps may have more to do with the word HATE being tattooed across their forehead.
* Tell them that Arabs, not Jews did 9/11.
* Mention that traditional African music is filled with rhythmic counterpoint comparable to a Bach fugue. Also, remind them of the fact that Rock, Metal, and every other genre that neo-Nazi bands ape is ultimately derived from Black American folk music.
* Say that Night by Elie Wiesel is a powerful and magnificent work of literature that everyone in the whole world should read.
* Tell them about your love of the Dead Kennedys, Rage Against the Machine, and The Oppressed.
* Ask their opinions of Jimi Hendrix, Carlos Santana, Kurt Cobain and other rock-stars.
* Ask why there are mass graves scattered across Eastern Europe full of Jewish bodies and German bullets.
* Remind them that the estimated six million dead Jews is only a very rough estimate and that the number may be as high as over eleven million.
* Ask them to explain the sudden complete disappearance of traditional Eastern European Jewish culture after World War II.
* Discuss the finer aspects of Heinrich Himmler’s speech at Poznan. Bonus points if you mention that Himmler was a total Aspie who eschewed figurative language!
* Kindly remind them that Fred Leuchter has only a BA in history (not science), has no engineering license, and has been proven wrong by experts with actual engineering degrees.
* The Holocaust really happened and is one of the most widely documented events in history. So get over it, fuckwit.
For Dion, Melbourne Dumb Punx and Skin Heads Neither For Nor Against Racial Prejudice.
Anti-fascist Attitude (Russia, 2008)
Director, producer, and cinematographer: “Children of Bakunin” Collective
Length: 76 min.
Anti-fascist Attitude is the first ever documentary on the emerging Russian anti-fascist movement made by the activists themselves. The film features both ‘moderate’ NGO activists and ‘radical’ grassroots activists and anarchists from three cities — Moscow, St. Petersburg and Irkutsk. It also features the lawyer Stanislav Markelov, murdered in Moscow on January 19, 2009. (Stanislav was killed alongside anarchist journalist Anastasiya Baburova.)
The documentary is available under a Creative Commons License.
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