- Update : Everybody Hates A Tourist Loves Spies. Lyn Watson is one; Mark Jacobs aka ‘Marco’ is another. The Guardian is moar coy, but still.
Tricksy police spies have been coming unstuck lately. Well… a couple of ’em, anyway. Like, in a few places: the US, and one of its satellites.
Apparently, state agencies get very upset when citizens organise to do stuff like protest war, or raise funds to assist women’s groups, or take direct action to stop pollution.
Who knew?
In August 2010, Australian authorities launched an investigation into some local Kurdish associations for alleged links to the PKK. Buggered if I know what’s come of it. Big ups to Turkish courts for sentencing Kurdish journalist Emine Demir of the daily Azadiya Welat (Independence of Homeland) to 138 years in jail but, throwing the gauntlet down at the feet of worried spooks Down Under.
Mark Kennedy and ‘Officer A’
Exposed back in October by activists, last week the story made it into the The Guardian, accompanied by further revelations regarding another undercover with the exciting name of ‘Officer A’ (Second police officer to infiltrate environmental activists unmasked, Paul Lewis, Rob Evans and Martin Wainwright, guardian.co.uk, January 12, 2011). According to Paul, Rob and Martin, Officer A lived in a house in the student quarter of Leeds, showed a keen interest in protest and had an anarchist poster of the Queen Mother with punk hair on her wall.
The moral of this story?
Never trust a punk!
In other Schnews, like Mehmet Ersoy/Osman in Australia, Mark Kennedy also worked for the corporate sector while he was protecting the state and British industry from terrorism; like Rob Gilchrist in Aotearoa/New Zealand, he also fuct about, raising a whole series of other, rather peculiar ethical questions (apparently).
See : E.On police kick terrorist arse: 114 criminal conspirators arrested (April 14, 2009).
“Karen Sullivan”
Back in the heart of Empire, Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists Denounce FBI Infiltration.
Then again, don’t they always?
The exposure of an FBI infiltrator (for further details see : FBI infiltration of anti-war movement uncovered in Minneapolis, Fight Back!, January 12, 2011) follows closely on the heels of the decision by local police in Richmond, Virginia not to prosecute anarchists in Richmond, Virginia after they published on the Interwebs some of the dox they obtained from the police under an FOI request.
See : Long Road to Freedom or FBI ~versus~ FRSO (September 26, 2010).
On police and spies, see also : Suspicious Minds & Barking Dogs: Canada, France, Russia (& Australia) (February 3, 2009) | “My name is Brandon, and I’m an FBI informant.” “Hi Brandon!” (January 20, 2009) | Moaron Rob Gilchrist (December 17, 2008) | Rob Gilchrist : Police Informant (December 14, 2008) | Amanda is in your extended network (December 7, 2008) | Victoria Police denounce McDonald’s (Kinda sorta) (November 5, 2008) | Mehmet Ersoy/Osman : Former officer hired to spy (October 17, 2008) | The Age of Spies (October 16, 2008) | “Welease Wodewick!”, Or; The Continuing Adventures of Hakluyt & Co. (October 16, 2008) | The Downer Age : Hakluyt & Co (October 14, 2008) | Hakluyt dons fishnet stockings! (October 13, 2008) | Anarchy! Spies! Private eyes! Libraries! (September 26, 2008) | “Questions emerge”: RNC 2008 & The Spectre of Anarchism/Terrorism (September 17, 2008) | “revolutionaries into secret agents and secret agents into revolutionaries” (August 12, 2008) | Hakluyt (Spies Like Us) (August 5, 2008) | Tricksy ASIO wants the nasssty anarchisssts (June 26, 2007)
Earrings, check
Long hair, check
Servo sunnies, check
Neckbeard, check
How anyone on the left could get rolled by a metrosexual like that is beyond belief.
Wake up to yourselves England.
All leftists as we well know are sexually repressed overweight slobs.
in Germany, there is Simon Bromma alias Simon Brenner: http://linksunten.indymedia.org/node/31904 & http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/472056.html … with some really funny photos 😉
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