James von Brunn’s Day at the Museum

Incensed at the Holohoax, James von Brunn, an 88-year-old US neo-Nazi, has launched a one-man assault on ZOG, shooting to death a security guard, Stephen Tyrone Johns, at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. von Brunn was himself shot, and is now in hospital in a serious condition.

Unfortunately, von Brunn failed to truly become An hero.

In response to the shootings, the USHMM has published a brief statement on its frontpage:

There are no words to express our grief and shock over today’s events at the Museum, which took the life of Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns. Officer Johns, who died heroically in the line of duty, served on the Museum’s security staff for six years. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Johns’s family. We have made the decision to close the Museum Thursday, June 11, in honor of Officer Johns and our flags will be flown at half mast in his memory.

Previously, ‘Conservative Media Freaked Out Over DHS Report On Right Wing Extremists‘ reckons Media Matters For America:

Locally, Queensland-based nutzi (and member of the Australia First Party) Jim Perren smells a rat, asking cui bono?

Yet another nail in the coffin for White Nationalism
Whitelaw Towers
June 10, 2009

Oh boy this stinks to high heaven. Ramp up the hate laws. Shut down the Web Sites. Round up the Nazis.

Who benefits from this type of Criminal Insanity[?] It has everything. Nazi’s [sic], Nazi web sites, Anti Government [sic], 88, Hitler. Very bloody convenient. The JDL will be screaming NEVER AGAIN. Jews around the world will be calling for extra protection from Evil Nazi’s [sic]. The Media will forget about everything else that has happened in the world for the next 3 days and subject us all to re-runs of Schindler[‘]s List.

Obama is disgusted, that[‘]s a good little Goyim.

Damn Jews!

Note that Jim’s email address is [email protected], and he is a close follower of the dispassionate political analyses of ‘Curt Maynard’, a US-based neo-Nazi blogger. Curt writes: “Big fucking deal – the guy [James von Brunn] was getting old and decided to lash out at those that had been persecuting him, before dying of old age. I commend him.”


In any case, following Jim’s advice, I thought I’d take this opportunity to highlight some recent and upcoming events on the Australian neo-Nazi calendar.

To begin with, it should be noted that I’m unsure of the outcome of the gig organised by local neo-Nazi networks ‘Blood & Honour Australia’ and the ‘Southern Cross Hammerskins’ for April 25 in Perth, WA. Given the apparent absence of boasting from these quarters, it’s possible that the gig failed to go ahead. In any event, whatever the actual outcome, the balls-up (one Perth-based reich ‘n’ roll band, ‘Indigenous Hate’, being kicked off the bill “for being lying scum”) has not prevented the boneheads from announcing yet another ‘Ian Stuart Donaldson’ memorial gig in Melbourne, scheduled to take place on September 12 and to feature the prodigious talents of Ravenous, Open Season and The Commieknockers.

Marvellous multicultural Melbourne has been the venue for the boneheads’ annual gig for many years. Of late, the gig has occurred at the following venues:

    2008 : Beaconsfield Hotel, Beaconsfield
    2007 : Melbourne Croatia Social Club, Sunshine
    2006 : Birmingham Hotel, Fitzroy
    2005 : Birmingham Hotel, Fitzroy
    2004 : The Jam Tin, Cheltenham

Having some inkling that most regard neo-Nazis as being on a par with paedophiles, B&H/SCHS naturally keep the venue for their nutzi prancing vewy secwet, only releasing details at the last moment.

This year will be no exception.

Of course, not all regard the nutzis with such contempt. In fact, many in the local punk rock music industry defend the nutzis’ right to spew filth, and instead reserve their anger for those actively opposed to the nutzis’ presence at ‘punk rawk’ venues. Thus Ben, the bassist for leading local ‘Skin Heads Neither For Nor Against Racial Prejudice’ band Bulldog Spirit (and Marching Orders and Napalm Hearts and so on) — sneakily posting as ‘Commie Killer’ — felt moved to comment on September 13, 2007 “…fuck you commies and fuck you stupid fucking anarchist pieces of shit. Fucking die already. We would all be better off.”

The Birmingham Hotel, proud host of the gig in 2006 and 2005, also found many other allies in its brave quest to provide neo-Nazism a platform, with literally dozens of bands (including of course Bulldog Spirit, Marching Orders and Napalm Hearts) scabbing on a boycott of the venue.

Despite their best efforts, however, the venue did undergo a change in management and ownership, and the pub celebrates its first anniversary under non-dickheaded management on June 27 (with Bonus! free entry). (“The venue held its last gigs on February 9 & 16, 2008 (featuring The Beefeaters, Bulldog Spirit, Napalm Hearts and The Worst) and closed its doors in late March/early April.”) As Doug Smith (Bulldog Spirit / Marching Orders) commented: “You would have to call that a pretty unsuccessful boycott.”

As for subsequent venues: the gig held at the Melbourne Croatia Social Club in 2007 (organised with the support of sympathetic Croatian/Australian fascists) actually made it into the ‘mainstream’ media, causing the management of the Melbourne Knights to denounce the boneheads as being what they are: “scum”. (Read the amusing response by Benson & Hedges here.) The 2008 gig at the Beaconsfield Hotel, on the other hand, was booked under a more determined pretext — as a compromise, B&H/SCHS were unable to hang swastika flags and other Nazi regalia inside the venue.

In summary: for the boneheads, publicity regarding their annual shindigs has proved irritating, but hardly stopped them from organising — nor will it. As for members of the local punk rock music industry, they are divided: a majority simply do not care, a minority oppose fascist organising, while the remainder are openly hostile to what they claim is an attack upon the right to assembly and speech. Thus:

Anarchy is a fag. Thanx to the people who have supported us… and to the random people letting us know about this anarchist knobjockey Mr Moran” (Chunga, The Worst, September 2007); “As I stated on the Bombshell forum Andy, you are a liar, a hypocrite and no better than the trash that you fight against” (Dion, December, 2007); “Honestly, I am going to fucking kill you. I hope it was worth it” (Joel, December, 2007); “The one barrier me and my buddies have regarding beating the shit out of you is your anonymity… Give me your name, address, daytime and night time contact phone numbers, and I promise you I will beat the fucking shit out of you and then make a black man take a shit in your face… @ndy you’re a fucking idiot mate and you better watch your back because when me and my mates are out and about, if we see you, ur dead… @ndy im still going to bash you, fukn gooknigger scum” (Doug Smith’s mate Mark Bastard, December 2007).


While I take note that anti-fascism is a sensitive subject for the delicate little flowers that nestle among the local punk rocks, for some further disco on why neo-/Nazism might be a bad idea, and why it might be worth considering opposing — or at the very least, not supporting — neo-Nazi organising in its contemporary manifestations, see Ghosts of Dachau, April 12, 2009 (which includes videotaped testimonials from the USHMM).

    “We call ourselves Homo sapiens — the ‘wise man’ — but I sometimes wonder whether we should call ourselves Homo stultissimus — the ‘most foolish’ one. I think we haven’t learned and things can happen, can happen everywhere. You have to be on guard.” ~ Fritz Gluckstein (1927–), ‘Survivors Remember Kristallnacht’ (USHMM).

In terms of political skirmishes with local nutzis, what should be borne in mind is that, to this point, B&H/SCHS have, in reality, faced relatively little active opposition (hence the focus upon myself as a nasty howwible man). This is principally because a concerted campaign to shut ’em down depends upon the existence of a much broader political constituency — which, given the de-politicisation/yuppification of the punk sub-culture, on the one hand, and the relative obscurity of B&H/SCHS (and allied groups), on the other, means that their chief ‘obstacle’ (sic) is the state (via such agencies as the ‘Protective Security Intelligence Group’). Barring the occurrence of some such tragedy as has happened in the US, this situation is extremely unlikely to change over the course of the next three months, and the 2009 ISD gig will go ahead in relative safety and security. That said, it’s heartening what can be accomplished by a tiny handful of individuals: something which brings me back to the schmucks scheduled to perform at this year’s event.

To be continued…

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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4 Responses to James von Brunn’s Day at the Museum

  1. Jamie-R says:

    @ndy you’re a fucking idiot mate and you better watch your back because when me and my mates are out and about, if we see you, ur dead… @ndy im still going to bash you, fukn gooknigger scum

    I would put this on a Hallmark Card. They do sound pretty scary, but because this is teh internets they could end up being 15 year old boys with half-grown pubes. But if they turned out to be a Shrek like prison guard from Buchenwald, I learnt to fight from Moonwalker so you know I’ll be useless. My dream gang consists of myself, Guy Sebastian, Justin Timberlake, the Fat Kid from Hey Dad (I heard he’s a Mormon, I’ll take it but he has no voting rights), George W Bush (just his fists!) and we’ll take one token Jew (Jesus! Oh snap!). Nah just kidding our token Jew will draw Nazis like a Mozzie Sapper so he has to stay home and count the money from the fights we win, as long as he doesn’t lend it out with interest. One day there’ll be a movie about us.

  2. @ndy says:

    Mark is some d00d from Brizvegas, who (I think) works in an office? Dunno — a mate tracked him down at the time (somehow), but I don’t remember the deets.

    Pretty silly boy really.

    Anyway, I’d choose Aggro Martin, Buenaventura Durruti, Jeff Monson, Francisco Sabate and Parinya Charoenphol / Nong Tum.

    See also:

  3. Jamie-R says:

    Your gang sounds tougher than mine…until Guy drops some rage juice.

    That Inglourious Basterds, when I first heard about it my jaw dropped, most of all because the Weinstein Brothers are behind it. I just thought, okay WWII is way over with, but do you really think pissing the Germans off on film is all fun and games for Jewish Hollywood? (It’s fun and games because pretty boy ponce Brad Pitt is their tough guy). Maybe I’m the only one seeing it…when I first heard of Bruno the gay Austrian I also found it ballsy.

  4. Ferox says:

    @ndy, you left out Makhno! For shame, someone that drunk is no doubt a contender.

    I also find it amusing that “Commie Killer” a.k.a Ben from Marching Orders feels the need to flex his muscles on the internet, too bad he has small man’s syndrome in reality. I’ve also heard from within the punk gossip clubs that Marching Orders have recently had a spat with Bastard Squad because Bastard Squad get to play with all the overseas bands… Talk about jealousy

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