Boneheads in Beautiful Beaconsfield // 2008 ISD Memorial

For one night only, Blood & Honour Australia and the Southern Cross Hammerskins — in co-operation with the management of the Central Hotel, Beaconsfield (1 Princes Highway, Beaconsfield, (03) 9707 1511 / 9707 1128) — present:

The 2008 Ian Stuart is Dead Celebration!


Blood Red Eagle

and all the way from horribly multicultural Belgium…

Kill Baby Kill!

    Note that previous winners of the annual prize for most neo-Nazi friendly venue in Melbourne have been the Melbourne Croatia Social Club (2007) and The Birmingham Hotel (2006 and 2005).

As previously noted, the globetrotting Blood Red Eagle are from Newcastle (NSW), and their Viking-inspired aural assault is spearheaded by the diminutive Douglas Schott; Ravenous is a local band for local people, *ing the racist psychotic Jesse on vocals (and, possibly, Joel of Bulldog Spirit on drums); while Kill Baby Kill *s Dieter Samoy on vox.

Dieter Samoy is a top bloke and fits the bonehead stereotype exceedingly well: in 2006, good old Dieter was behind a vicious racist attack on a black man and his white friend in Bruges. As a result of these and other efforts by Dieter and his fascist comrades, and as has also been remarked by Belgian antifa, Belgium is rapidly turning into “a playground for all manner of right-wing extremists”; so too — at least for tonight — is Beaconsfield.

In 2007:

Almost 700 boneheads showed up for yet another “Ian Stuart Donaldson (ISD) Memorial” haterock fest in Belgium on 27 October, a disappointing result for the Blood&Honour-Vlaanderen (B&H-VL) organisers who had hoped to attract at least 2,000 nazis to the event.

It is not known whether the poor attendance was because of internal problems in the banned German wing of the organisation but the “event” nevertheless got lots of coverage in the Belgian national media. After having major trouble in finding a venue that could host two thousand participants, B&H eventually reverted to the venue used for last year’s ISD commemoration in the remote village of Wolfsdonk, near Aarschot, in the province of Vlaams-Brabant (Flemish Brabant).

The venue, hired a few weeks ago by a man – not a bonehead – who wanted the place for a “big birthday party”, turned out to be the canteen of a local football club and a huge tent alongside it. At the meeting points, car parks along Belgian motorways where the nazis gathered before moving off to the “secret” location, the people redirecting them were mainly Germans.

At the venue itself, the “security service” was organised by British B&H members who menaced a national TV team that wanted to interview local people. When not doing that, they were ensuring that those attending handed over all their weapons!

On the bill were, among others, notorious hate bands like Whitelaw, Propaganda, Eternal Pride, Avalon and the Flemish band Kill Baby Kill led by one of the fascists – Dieter Samoy – behind a vicious racist attack on a black man and his white friend in Bruges last year.

More attention, however, was paid to beer drinking than to the music with most of the participants at the gig getting drunk and, by getting into several brawls, reducing the event to a chaotic mess. When the organisers called for “a minute’s silence for white hero Ian Stuart” hardly anyone observed it. “Fuckheads who can’t even keep their drunk shitholes quite for a fucking minute for a true white hero” yelled one of the organisers in his own very subtile way. As a result of this fiasco, B&H Flanders had to shut its online forum the next day because it had received so many complaints.

The left-wing party “Spirit”, which was part of the previous Belgian federal government, has announced that it will reintroduce its demand that federal parliament outlaw nazi activities on Belgian soil and also ban groups like B&H that are illegal elsewhere. In Germany, B&H was outlawed seven years ago but in Belgium apparently, the political world lacks the courage needed to ban organised nazi activities.

This failure to act is turning Belgium into a playground for all manner of right-wing extremists. Just days before the B&H hatefest, for example, the far-right Vlaamse Jongeren Westland (VJW – Flemish Youth Westland) organisation staged a “national demo” in the streets of Bruges on 21 October.

Despite an intense mobilisation campaign and winning media attention, no more than 60 to 70 extremists showed up, among them numerous boneheads and a delegation from the Walloon fascist outfit Nation.

At the end of a short demonstration, VJW organiser Pieter Van Damme called for a “national-solidarist society” and demanded more respect for the Dutch language. Taking the presence of French-speaking nazis into account, it is unlikely that everyone present really understood his message. Even though “Freedom Of Speech” (for nationalists) was one of the main themes on the day, the participants in the VJW demo were not allowed to speak to the press.

Neither the far-right Vlaams Belang (VB) nor its satellite Voorpost were present at the demonstration because relations between the “bourgeois-liberal” VB and the “genuine nationalist radicals” of the VJW are very frosty. Perhaps this rivalry explains why the VJW deliberately made use of the old VB slogan “Eigen Volk Eerst!” (“Our own people first”) during the march. Most of the VJW’s activists, incidentally, share a past in the ranks of the VB but were excluded in one way or other.

About 300 anti-fascists, mobilised by the anti-fascist group Blokbuster, protested at the nazi march.

Wim Haelsterman
Reports from Flanders for AFF/Verzet – RésistanceS.

Things have changed a little for Belgian boneheads since this report (see Bad news for Belgian boneheads in Blood & Honour, May 5, 2008; also Blood & Honour in Belgium… and Australia, September 10, 2006) — prompted, in part perhaps, by the shooting to death in May 2006 of a two year old (white) child and her (black, pregnant) nanny. More recently, in the United States: “Two members of Tampa Blood and Honour, a chapter of a particularly violent international white supremacist organization, were indicted in Florida for beating two homeless men to death in 1998. Two other members had already pleaded guilty to the crimes. Federal officials say the men planned to participate in a race war and killed the homeless men because they were deemed inferior”: ‘The Blotter: Updates on Extremism and the Law’, Intelligence Report, Fall 2008 (Southern Poverty Law Centre).

And while the efforts of Dieter & Co. to cleanse Belgium of anarchists, Asians, blacks, communists, the homeless, homosexuals, Jews, leftists and people with disabilities (and assorted other undesireables) may be looked on unkindly by some, the band does at least have the full support of Tom and Myspace.


It may also be considered slightly odd that Australian Customs didn’t ask a few more questions of Dieter and his chums when they arrived in Melbourne last week, but presumably membership of a violent international neo-Nazi network and a violent criminal record is no barrier to entering Australia these days. Meaning that Nick Griffin’s entry to Australia on a proposed speaking tour in December should be a piece of (fruit)cake… As for what the good burghers of Beaconsfield think about making their little hamlet into a happy home to members of two of the most violent neo-Nazi associations in the world, who knows?

Interesting times.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2024 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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23 Responses to Boneheads in Beautiful Beaconsfield // 2008 ISD Memorial

  1. Herald Sun News says:

    Beaconsfield, that is near Officer. lol, why would you go all the way to Officer to see a concert and not the CBD? Are these ISD guys from the bush?

    Are they stupid? Oh well. Make sure this makes the papers.

  2. @ndy says:

    Because the organisers — Benson & Hedges (Blood & Honour) and the Hammerskins — probably believed, correctly, that they’d be less likely to be hassled if they held their gig in the outer (outer) suburbs than if/when they held it in the CBD. (Previous gigs were in Sunshine, Fitzroy, Cheltenham and so on.) Further, their gigs are organised in secret, and the exact location of the event is not revealed until the day of its occurrence. So: they’re not especially clever, but they’re not stupid enough to think that a publically organised gig in Melbourne’s CBD is likely to go ahead unchallenged. From my perspective, the less attractive the venue — including its centrality, proximity to public transport, urban centres and the like — the better. On the other hand, boneheads are also crawling out from under their rocks in Perth too…

  3. Herald Sun News says:

    Can you please contact me 9292 XXXX or report this event in detail? I’m sure someone infiltrated this event, with photos.

  4. skin says:

    its funny how you never heard about the one we had last night in sydney… FUCK B&H AND THE HAMMERSKINS!! RAHOWA

  5. @ndy says:

    skin: Uh-huh. If it happened, I’m sure that the gig organised by the faction of B&H alllied to ‘C18’ was even smaller than the one organised by the other faction. (On factions, see Blood & Honour / C18 in Australia, February 26, 2008.)

    Herald Sun News: Someone will be in touch.

  6. Rev.Patrick.TCM says:

    Andy,you fucking goose.You are supposed to be the top notch anti nazi and you didnt know about the Creativity Movement gathering/gig?You fucking muppet!

  7. @ndy says:

    No Patrick, I didn’t. And while I’m flattered to be considered ‘the top notch anti nazi’, my primary focus is on Melbourne, not Sydney. 14! 88! Hutt hutt hutt!

  8. Goose says:

    Ha!!! Patrick O’Sullivan calling somebody else a muppet! Now that’s funny…

  9. Lumpen says:

    Yeah Andy, the Creativity Movement isn’t just paddlepop sticks and pipe cleaners you know.

  10. Herald Sun News says:

    Well, if they are the people representing and championing the white race, God forbid, because by the looks of some of them, they are a bad sample of the white race. Is it because they are so ugly they have to defend themselves? Or do they have deficient upbringings and a lack of understanding of the world and different ways of life?

  11. KinkyBoy says:


  12. KinkyBoy says:


  13. Kadet says:

    Haha, sounds like the creativity “movement” gig must have been a hoot! How many people showed up this year Patrick (the human urinal) O’Sullivan? Five? Is that three better than last year? Give it a rest you silly old fart and go back to your sticker collection.

  14. skinoioi says:

    @ndy whats ya fuckin problem, mate? correcting peoples spelling, and making a fool of yourself, trying to make the neonazi[s] (genrally [sic] prefer to be called skins) look like the ass holes. you got issues ya [sexy] fucking nigger.

  15. Rev.Patrick.-TCM says:

    Now your post just sounds like sour grapes Kadet.Good to see that it gets you upset you fucking pathetic cretin.Perhaps you should use your real name?

  16. Rev.Patrick.-TCM says:

    How about you put your real name to your crap Kadet?I forgot…you’re spineless.Have your internet hissy fit.The fact is we had our gathering and all you can do is post silly bitchy remarks.

  17. Kadet says:

    The game of life isn’t about spines Pat, it’s about brains, that’s why you lose 🙂


  19. dennis says:

    hahaha look at u little left wing rats talking shit come to my area south London and u will get robed and stabbed for being white bet u all live in white citys u bunch of mugs better to be dead the red

  20. @ndy says:

    G’day dennis,

    Thanks heaps for the heads-up on clothes-stealing loons in sarf London — when it comes to avoiding being disrobed and possibly stabbed, I always appreciate the kindly advice that I receive from racist kooks on the other side of the planet. Or do you mean to suggest that, strolling through the streets of sarf London, a Caucasian stands a good chance of suddenly being treated to a new wardrobe, only to be reminded, moments later, of the vicissitudes of life by then summarily being knifed?



    PS. Who is dead the red?

  21. Pingback: Dreaming of An Aryan Jeannie : Australia First, Australian Protectionist Parties | slackbastard


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