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Two Greek anarchists are making molotov cocktails. One says to the other: "So who will we throw these at then?" The other replies: "What are you, some kind of fucking intellectual?"Search
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Tag Archives: Squadron 88
A Brief Guide To The Australian Far Right (July 2020 Edition)
[Update : Huh. I did not know this, but a commentator drew my attention to the fact that ‘In June 2014, [disgraced Labor MP Adem] Somyurek inaugurated the Grey Wolves’ offices in Melbourne, as revealed in a report by Greek-Australian … Continue reading
Posted in !nataS, Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged #DingoTwitter, 'Tiny' Avi Yemini, A26A, Adelaide Institute, Adem Somyurek, AE Media, altright, AltRightAustralia, Anti Antifa Australia, anti-antifa, Antipodean Resistance, Aryan Nations, Asolate, Asolate Security Group, ATM Industrial Panel Tanks, atm tanks group, Australia First Party, Australian Coalition of Nationalists, Australian Council of Nationalists, Australian Defence League, Australian League of Rights, Australian Liberty Alliance, Australian Meditations, Australian Natives Association, Australian Patriots Defence Movement, Australian Patriots Uprising, Australian Protectionist Party, Australian Settlers Rebellion, Australian Tank Maintenance, Australians Resistance Network, Avi Yeminem, Avi Yemini, Axiomatic Events, Battalion88, Ben Spiller, [email protected], Blair Cottrell, Blood & Honour, Blood & Honour Australia, Blood and Honour Australia, Box Media Studios, Brenton Tarrant, Buddy Rojek, Christchurch, Christian Identity, Christian Separatist, Citizens Electoral Council, Combat 18, Consevative Nationals, Creativity, Damien Costas, Dan Spiller, Daniel Purton, [email protected], Dave Pellowe, David Hilton, David Hiscox, DingoCon, Dominion Movement, Ethan Tilling, Eureka Youth League, European Australian Civil Rights League, Expel the Parasite, Facebook, Filthy Gorgeous Productions Pty Ltd, Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party, Full Blooded Skips, Future Now Australia, Generation Identity Australia, Global Media & Entertainment Pty Ltd, Golden Dawn, Grey Wolves, Hellenic Nationalists of Australia, Industrial Panel Tanks Pty Ltd, Jacob Hersant, James Buckle, James Perren, Jim Perren, John Athanasiadis, Kane Miller, Ken Cratchley, Kerry Bolton, Kim Vuga, Klub Nation, Klub Naziya, Kris0 Richardson, Kriso Richardson, Ku Klux Klan, Lads Society, Love Australia Or Leave, Mark Hootsen, Mark Moncrieff, Matt Roebuck, Matthew Grant, Matthew Roebuck, Matty Rose, Mattys Modern Life, Melbourne Traditionalists, Melony Attwood, Moses Apostaticus, Nathan Sykes, Nathaniel J.S. Sykes, Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes, Nathaniel Sykes, national anarchism, National Democratic Party of Australia, National Socialist Network, Nationalist Alternative, Nationalist Republican Guard, Neil Erikson, New Australian Bulletin, New Guard, New Right, New Zealand National Front, Nick Folkes, One Nation Party, Order 15, Pacific Tank Maintenance, Paparoa, Party for Freedom, Patriotic Youth League, Patriots Defence League of Australia, Penthouse Australia, Proud Boys, Proud Boys Australia, Q Society, Reclaim Australia, Restore Australia, Richard Wolstencroft, Ricky White, Right Wing Resistance, Right Wing Resistance Australia, Right Wing Resistance New Zealand, Rise Up Australia Party, Ryan Fletcher, Sam Hudson, Scott Moerland, Shane Worrall, Shermon Burgess, Sheryl Sandberg, Soldiers Of Odin, Sound Works Music Studio, Southern Cross Hammerskins, Southern Cross Soldiers, Squadron 88, Stefan Eracleous, Stuart Von Moger, Sukith Fernando, The Cuckables, The Dingoes, The Great Aussie Patriot, The Lads Society, The New Guard, The Trustee for the Seagate Services Trust, The Unshackled,,, Thomas Sewell, Tim Wilms, Tom Sewell, True Blue Crew, Ulf Lindfors, United Australian Front, United Nationalists Australia, United Patriots Front, Upright Market, Volksfront, Wayne Edhouse, White Pride Coalition of Australia, Whitelaw Towers, Women for Aryan Unity,,,, Yellow Vest Australia
Fraser “Final Solution” Anning’s Conservative National Party ~versus~ 2019 Australian federal election
Update (April 28, 2019) : The ‘White Rose Society’ has published an account of the little fascist shit Max Towns, the 19yo what allegedly assaulted the photographer @ Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning’s campaign launch @ Cronulla on Friday. The article … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!
Tagged 2019 Australian federal election, Adam Vail, Adrian Cheok, Andrew Wilson, Australian Liberty Alliance, BA Creative,, Blair Cottrell, Boston White, Brooksaccini Family Trust, Brooksaccini Pty Ltd, Conservative National Party, David Archibald, David Flint, FLAG Australia, Food Producers Landowners Action Group Australia Incorporated, Fraser 'Final Solution' Anning, Fraser Anning, Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party,, Julie Hoskin, Mark Absolon, Mark McDonald, Max Towns, Neil Erikson, neo-Nazi, neo-Nazism, Nicole Kinsey, One Nation, One Nation Party, Paul Taylor, Pauline Hanson, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, Perry Adrelius, Pete Accini, Peter Kelly, Radomir Kobryn-Coletti, Reclaim Australia, Rights For Bendigo Residents, Rise Up Australia Party, Scott Moerland, Shane Van Duren, Squadron 88, The Lads Society, Trè Blackstone, Trè Bloodstone, Trè Greystoke, Trè Targaryen, Troy Bloodstone, Troy Crockett, Troy Targaryen, United Patriots Front, Yellow Vest Australia, Zack Newton
A Brief Guide To The Australian Far Right (April 2019 Edition)
In December 2016 I wrote A (very) brief guide to the Australian far right, itself an updated version of an earlier post published in June 2015. Both were triggered by public demand for somesuch guide, though others have of course … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged #DingoTwitter, 'Tiny' Avi Yemini, A26A, Adelaide Institute, AE Media, altright, AltRightAustralia, Anti Antifa Australia, anti-antifa, Antipodean Resistance, Aryan Nations, Asolate, Asolate Security Group, ATM Industrial Panel Tanks, atm tanks group, Australia First Party, Australian Coalition of Nationalists, Australian Defence League, Australian League of Rights, Australian Liberty Alliance, Australian Meditations, Australian Patriots Defence Movement, Australian Patriots Uprising, Australian Protectionist Party, Australian Settlers Rebellion, Australian Tank Maintenance, Australians Resistance Network, Avi Yeminem, Avi Yemini, Axiomatic Events, Battalion88, Ben Spiller, [email protected], Blair Cottrell, Blood & Honour, Blood & Honour Australia, Blood and Honour Australia, Box Media Studios, Brenton Tarrant, Buddy Rojek, Christchurch, Christian Identity, Christian Separatist, Citizens Electoral Council, Combat 18, Consevative Nationals, Creativity, Damien Costas, Dan Spiller, Daniel Purton, [email protected], Dave Pellowe, David Hilton, David Hiscox, DingoCon, Dominion Movement, Ethan Tilling, Eureka Youth League, European Australian Civil Rights League, Expel the Parasite, Facebook, Filthy Gorgeous Productions Pty Ltd, Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party, Full Blooded Skips, Future Now Australia, Generation Identity Australia, Global Media & Entertainment Pty Ltd, Golden Dawn, Hellenic Nationalists of Australia, Industrial Panel Tanks Pty Ltd, Jacob Hersant, James Buckle, James Perren, Jim Perren, Kane Miller, Ken Cratchley, Kerry Bolton, Kim Vuga, Klub Nation, Klub Naziya, Kris0 Richardson, Kriso Richardson, Ku Klux Klan, Lads Society, Love Australia Or Leave, Matt Roebuck, Matthew Grant, Matthew Roebuck, Matty Rose, Mattys Modern Life, Melony Attwood, Moses Apostaticus, Nathan Sykes, Nathaniel J.S. Sykes, Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes, Nathaniel Sykes, national anarchism, National Democratic Party of Australia, Nationalist Alternative, Nationalist Republican Guard, Neil Erikson, New Guard, New Right, New Zealand National Front, Nick Folkes, One Nation Party, Order 15, Pacific Tank Maintenance, Paparoa, Party for Freedom, Patriotic Youth League, Patriots Defence League of Australia, Penthouse Australia, Proud Boys, Proud Boys Australia, Q Society, Reclaim Australia, Restore Australia, Richard Wolstencroft, Ricky White, Right Wing Resistance, Right Wing Resistance Australia, Right Wing Resistance New Zealand, Rise Up Australia Party, Ryan Fletcher, Scott Moerland, Shane Worrall, Shermon Burgess, Sheryl Sandberg, Soldiers Of Odin, Southern Cross Hammerskins, Southern Cross Soldiers, Squadron 88, Stefan Eracleous, Stuart Von Moger, Sukith Fernando, The Dingoes, The Great Aussie Patriot, The Lads Society, The New Guard, The Trustee for the Seagate Services Trust, The Unshackled,,, Thomas Sewell, Tim Wilms, Tom Sewell, True Blue Crew, United Australian Front, United Nationalists Australia, United Patriots Front, Upright Market, Volksfront, Wayne Edhouse, White Pride Coalition of Australia, Whitelaw Towers, Women for Aryan Unity,,,, Yellow Vest Australia
antifa notes (january 15, 2019) : Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning & Simon Hickey, ‘The Nazi Sparky’
Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning Anti-fascist research group ‘The White Rose Society’ has published an exposé on federal Senator Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning and his many links to local neo-Nazis and other far-right activists. See : Fraser Anning’s Neo-Nazi connections. Included … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged Aaron Long, Abhorrent Australian Memes, Abhorrent Australian Memes Did Nothing Wrong, Alex Annenkov, Allan Worth, Andrew Anglin, Andrew Wilson, antifa notes, Antipodean Resistance, Australian Conservatives Party, Australian National Alliance, Australians vs Neoliberal & Right Wing Politics, austranati, Bannon Jones, Blair Cottrell, Boston White, Buster McDuff, Claudia Benitez, Clive Palmer, Conservative National Party, Daily Stormer, Dan Spiller, Dia Beltran, Dominion League, Dr James Saleam, Dr Jim Saleam, Eureka Youth League, Frank Salter, Fraser 'Final Solution' Anning, Fraser Anning, Fraser Anning's Conservative National Party, Future Now Australia, Henni Mostert, Hon Charles Smith MLC, INFIDEL BROTHERHOOD SPEAK WITHOUT FEAR, Jaiden Armstrong Penney, James Saleam, Jim Saleam, Katter’s Australian Party, Kevin MacDonald, Klub Nation, Klub Naziya, Lads Society, Mark McDonald, Matthew Grant, Memes for the Urban Gentleman, Michael Heaney, Morgan Munro, Mosman Park, National Action, Neil Erikson, neo-Nazi, neo-Nazism, New Guard, Outsider’s Support Group 2.0, Palmer United Party, Palmy Army, Patriotic Youth League, Pauline Hanson/One Nation Supporters & Discussion Forum, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, Proud South African in Perth, Public Information Forum, R&CO Agency, Radomir Kobryn-Coletti, Simon Hickey, Smerff Electrical, Social Technologies,, Squadron 88, Steele Archer Hawes, Stefan Eracleous, Sydney Traditionalist Forum, Sydney Traditionalists, T.J. Vacher, The Australian Traditional Nationalist, THE BOLT REPORT SUPPORTERS GROUP, The Daily Stormer, The Lads Society, The Unhinged, The Unshackled, Thomas Brasher, Thomas Hopper, Tim Wilms, Tyson John Vacher, Tyson Vacher, United Australia Party, United Nationalists of Australia, Volksfront, Volksfront Australia, XYZ
1 Comment
Cronulla 2.0? : Racist assembly @ St Kilda Beach, Saturday, January 5, 2019
[Update (January 8, 2019) : Rather than compose another post, I thought I’d update this one with some more infos arising from Saturday’s hate-rally. The first segment concerns police deployment of capsicum spray and use of rubber pellets; the second, … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!
Tagged Alex Annenkov, Andrew Wallis, Blair Cottrell, Chris Shortis, Cooks Convicts, Cottrell Constructions, Cronulla, Cronulla 2.0, Fraser 'Final Solution' Anning, Fraser Anning, Jay B Moore, Kane Miller, Lads Society, Linden Watson, Mark McDonald, Neil Erikson, NITV, Patriot Blue, Paul Franzi, Paul Guru Franzi, Proud Boys, Proud Boys Australia, Ricky Turner, Rikki Turner, Rino 'Bluebeard' Grgurovic, Rino Grgurovic, Romper Stomper 2.0, SBS, Soldiers Of Odin, Squadron 88, St Kilda, St Kilda Beach, Thomas Sewell, Tom Sewell, True Blue Crew
Neo-Nazi group ‘The Lads Society’ @ 34 Thomas Street, Ashfield, Sydney : Help shut it down!
Neo-Nazi grouplet ‘The Lads Society’ — which arose from the ashes of the ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF) and its stillborn political party ‘Fortitude’ (2015–2017) — currently operate two social centres, one in the south-east suburb of Cheltenham in Melbourne and … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, History, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged 34 Thomas Street, 34 Thomas Street Ashfield, Antipodean Resistance, Ashfield Community Action, Australian Liberty Alliance, Beau Maverick, Blair Cottrell, Clifford Jennings, Colemon Property Group, Firearm Owners United, James Buckle, John Bolton, Kingsley James Taylor, Lads Society, Mark McDonald, NSW Young Nationals, South East Anti-Racists, South East Community Action, Squadron 88, The Lads Society, Thomas Sewell, Tom Sewell, Tyler Winchester, Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road, Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road Cheltenham, United Patriots Front, Young Nationals
Tom Sewell & The Lads Society ~versus~ Nathan Sykes & The Australia First Party
Tom Sewell & The Lads Society For those of you coming in late, Tom Sewell is a 20-something, New Zealand-born, Melbourne-based neo-Nazi activist. With a background in right-wing nationalist politics, Sewell emerged onto the political landscape in April 2015, alongside … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged Antipodean Resistance, Aryan Nations, Australia First Party, Blair Cottrell, David Hilton, Dr James Saleam, Dr Jim Saleam, Firearm Owners United, Fortitude, Fortitude Australia, James Buckle, James Saleam, Jim Perren, Jim Saleam, La Mirage, La Mirage Reception & Convention Centre, Lads Society, ladsleaks, March for Babies, Mark McDonald, Moses Apostaticus, Nathan Sykes, Nathaniel J.S. Sykes, Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes, Nathaniel Sykes, Squadron 88, Stefan Molyneux, Stefan Molyneux & Lauren Southern Live, Stuart Von Moger, Sydney Forum, The Lads Society, Thomas Sewell, Tom Sewell, Tyler Winchester, Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road, Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road Cheltenham, United Patriots Front, Whitelaw Towers
antifa notes (november 2, 2018) : milo & mcinnes; lads, proud boys & natzis
Update (November 3, 2018) : Nationals ban 22 members for life after investigation into neo-Nazi links, Michael Koziol, The Sydney Morning Herald, November 3, 2018. Above : On L, alleged killer Robert Bowers announcing his intention to GTKRWN; on R, … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics, Student movement, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror
Tagged 34 Thomas Street Ashfield, Alex Ryvchin, Alt Right Australia, alt.right, AltReich, altright, Andrew McMaster, Ann Coulter, Antipodean Resistance, ATM Industrial Panel Tanks, atm tanks group, Australia First Party, Australian Defence League, Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, Blair Cottrell, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Clifford Jennings, Colemon Property Group, Daily Stormer, Damien Costas, Dan Spiller, Daniel Spiller, David Hilton, David Hiscox, ECAJ, Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Festival Functions, Future Now, Future Now Australia,, Gavin McInnes, Industrial Panel Tanks Pty Ltd, Inejiro Asanuma, Infowars, International Convention Centre Sydney, James Mason, James Perren, Janet Albrechtsen, Jews against fascism, Jewsagainstfascism, Jim Perren, John Bolton, Julie Nathan, Klub Nation, Klub National, Klub Naziya, La Mirage, La Mirage Reception & Convention Centre, Lads Society, ladsleaks, Le Montage, Mark McDonald, Max Markson, Melbourne Pavilion, Metropolitan Republican Club, Michael Heaney, Milo Yiannopoulos, Moses Apostaticus, Nathan Sykes, Nathaniel J.S. Sykes, Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes, Nathaniel Sykes, NSW Young Nationals, Oscar Tuckfield, Paul Harris, Penthouse, Penthouse Australia, Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Proud Boys, Proud Boys Australia, ProudBoys Victoria Go Flaccid..., Robert Bowers, Ryan Fletcher, Sharri Markson, SIEGE, Squadron 88, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, Stuart Von Moger, The Convict Report, The Daily Stormer, The Lads Society, The Trustee for the Seagate Services Trust, The Unhinged, The Unshackled,,, Thomas Brasher, Tim Wilms, Tommy Robinson, Trading HEMP for Hitler, Tyler Winchester, Unit 9/158 Chesterville Road Cheltenham, United Nationalists Australia, United Nationalists of Australia, United Patriots Front, Welf Herfurth, Whitelaw Towers,,, XYZ,, Young Nationals, Young Nationals State Executive
October 6, 2018 : “International Freedom of Speech Day” : LOLWUT
Blink and you might have missed it, but Saturday, October 6 was ‘International Freedom of Speech Day’, with ‘International’ having the operative meaning of ‘Wiley Park in Sydney and Docklands in Melbourne’ and ‘Freedom of Speech’ ‘whining about Facebook and … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics
Tagged Australian Liberty Alliance, Avi Yeminem, Avi Yemini, Blair Cottrell, Daniel Jones, Debbie Robinson, Dwayne Bullen, Fraser 'Final Solution' Anning, Fraser Anning, George Jameson, John Bolton, Lads Society, Mark McDonald, Max Towns, Mitch Van Dam, Mitchell Van Dam, neo-Nazi, Nicholas Folkes, Nicholas Hunter Folkes, Nick Folkes, Rino 'Bluebeard' Grgurovic, Rino Grgurovic, Soldiers Of Odin, Squadron 88, The Lads Society, Tiny Avi, True Blue Crew, True Blue Crew (NSW), Tyler Winchester, Wiley Park