OMG!He’s such a bastard!LOL!

Bad guys really do get the most girls
Mason Inman news service
June 18, 2008

NICE guys knew it, now two studies have confirmed it: bad boys get the most girls. The finding may help explain why a nasty suite of antisocial personality traits known as the “dark triad” persists in the human population, despite their potentially grave cultural costs…

See also : R. Crumb, Steve Burgess,, May 2, 2000 | Paulhus, D.L., & Williams, K.M. (2002). The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy, Journal of Research in Personality, 36, 556-563 (PDF).

Posted in !nataS, Sex & Sexuality | 3 Comments

Video Dogs : Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

Update : Movies for work inquiry by Workplace Ombudsman, Annalise Walliker, Herald Sun, June 19, 2008: ‘THE owner of a shop offering free DVD hire instead of wages has admitted he made a “little mistake” and has withdrawn the offer… Mr Mallalieu said he believed he had been ambushed by union officials who alerted the media before speaking to him. “We’ve lost several hundred dollars this morning because the media have camped out the front, scaring away customers. It’s a mess over one little mistake,” he said.’

Store offers DVD hire instead of wages
Annalise Walliker
Herald Sun
June 18, 2008

A RIP-off or a move to a cashless society? A Melbourne video store is advertising for students to work for free DVD hire instead of wages.

The Herald Sun reports that a sign in the window of Video Dogs in Carlton reads ”DVD’s for free? Well almost…” Staff at the store confirmed two hours work each night would be remunerated solely with free DVDs.

Anthony Main, secretary for union UNITE, said it was one of the worst examples of young worker exploitation he had ever seen.

“We were alerted to the sign yesterday and where we visited the store last night it was confirmed by a staff member there were no wages involved,” he said.

“What will be next, working at McDonald’s in exchange for Big Macs?”

Mr Main said paying staff with goods and services rather than a minimum wage was illegal.

“We ask the local residents to think twice about where they are renting their DVDS from,” he said.

“Our message is, don’t to business with dogs.”

The Workplace Ombudsman is investigating, and will release a statement later today.

The Herald Sun is seeking comment from the store’s manager.

Huh. I was at Video Dogs (Buy! Rent! 178 Faraday Street, Carlton, Phone (03) 9347 2185) on Monday, and remember seeing the ad in question. On a vaguely ironic note, given the above, in December 2006, the owner of Video Dogs, Jonathan Mallalieu, was interviewed by the Musicians’ Union. Mallalieu being a musician and, presumably, a unionist… So much for employment; as for service, oh boy!

See also : Video shop accused of paying staff in DVDs,, June 18, 2008

Posted in State / Politics | 14 Comments

@ stuff and other stuff

Team Colors is a collective engaged in militant research to provide “strategic analysis for the intervention in everyday life”. Team Colors Collective and The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Press are proud to announce the launch of the one-off online publication “In the Middle of a Whirlwind: 2008 Convention Protests, Movement and Movements”. Whirlwinds provides detailed analysis, thoughtful criticism, and substantive writing on current organizing through an inquiry into movement in the United States. Through that process, Whirlwinds assembles a strategic analysis of current political composition as a tool for building political power.

In Canada, on Saturday, June 14, Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was beaten by police at the border with the United States, suffered a heart attack, and was hospitalised.

Organise #70 gotta coupla interesting articles. One on social centres, the other on the rise of ultranationalist politics in Bulgaria.

While the city executives may have their spas and their private clubs, community centres, public baths and libraries are disappearing across the country (or falling into private hands). The free public house and the union clubs of generations before are becoming a rarity. Localities are becoming more and more commercialised as local shop is replaced by the chain store, high street by the shopping mall. Leisure is no longer “free” time, it is a commodity. Social space is not social at all but bought at the expense of others labour and provides further opportunity to buy and sell. The idea of voluntary association, of communal enjoyment, of free social time is disappearing. It is imperative therefore that the modern social centre movement clings to its class heritage…

The Asia Pacific Defence & Security Exhibition (APDSE) is an international arms fair scheduled to be held in Adelaide, Australia in November 2008, with possible uncommercial interruptions. For more information:

    The Long Dark Night of the Arms Trade
    Winter Solstice Celebration
    7.00pm, Saturday June 21, 2008
    Trades Hall (Cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts)

    Music by The Conch | Colombi | DJ Paul Kidney
    Food by LASNET
    Videos and a photo exhibition of the AIDEX 91 (Canberra, November 26–28, 1991) campaign and information on how to stop this fete worse than death will be showing.

Troublemakers at AIDEX used tripods to block roads, a tactic exported from the forests. Following the exhibition, an embarrassed Federal Labor Government embarked upon a crackdown on welfare benefits in order to penalise unemployed participants. ‘You’ve Got To Party For Your Right To Fight: The AIDEX ’91 Protests’ is a 3CR radio show, first broadcast in January 2008; it may even be available as a podcast at some point.

For the nth time, ‘Racist planned terror attacks’, BBC, June 16, 2008. See also : ‘Nazi’ hid nail bombs under son’s bed, court hears, Olwen Dudgeon, Yorkshire Post, June 16, 2008. Gilleard, the cowardly racist wanker in question, apparently used to post on the Blood & Honour Guestbook in the UK. Antifa England comments (December 2007):

For Martyn Gilleard, the neo-Nazi recently arrested with 4 nail bombs, plans to bomb mosques, and a range of other ‘terrorist’ material, it must be comforting to know that while he’s sitting in Belmarsh maximum security prison, his ‘racial comrades’ are fighting his corner – from the safety of their computer stools that is!

Over on the ‘Blood & Honour’ Guestbook, where Gilleard used to post as ‘Mart88′ (the ’88’ of course standing for ‘Heil Hitler’), his fellow Nazis are queuing up to slap him on the back, comparing him to ‘Brixton Bomber’ David Copeland (who he’ll hopefully soon be joining shuffling ’round the corridors of Broadmoor), and generally ruin any defence he could possibly ever have had. With ‘comrades’ like these, who needs enemies?!

It’s probably no coincidence that it was our old friend, the rat-faced fantacist and small-time coke dealer Tony Foye (AKA ‘M.I.B.’) who first raised the matter on the Benson & Hedges forum. But others quickly joined in, including one Nazi who tells us, with typical regard for the English language,

“The comrade arrested was ‘Mart88’, yes the yorkshire organiser of the BPP. I know him quite well and have seen the nail bombs the police talk about on webcam, there are instructions on the internet on how to make them and beli[e]ve me they are very simple. I just wish Martyn could of let the bombs off down the local mosque before he was arrested, he has done time before and wont have a problem doing it again. This kind of activism is whats needed comrades, HAIL MARTYN AND HAIL COMBAT 18 NO SURRENDER, NO RETREAT 1488.”

In another post the same Nazi tells anyone that cares to visit the site about seeing some of Gilleard’s “other artilery” (sic). Top mate eh?!

Understandably perhaps, the Nazis quickly ask how their ‘fallen comrade’ was nicked, was he grassed? British People’s Party leader Kevin Watmough, who runs the forum, together with ‘Redwatch’, quickly steps in to claim that the BPP’s Goole and East Yorkshire Organiser was not in fact ‘grassed’. Well he would wouldn’t he? Watmough, along with Eddy Morrison and Robin Steele, is one of at least 3 police informers in the BPP, and they probably have far more. Morrison even used to sell the names and addresses of his fascist comrades to Leeds AFA for beer money! Hanging out with this lot Gilleard, who seems to be an idiot with no sense of security at all, wasn’t going to last long.

Speaking of scum, silly bugger Ross of UK oi! band Scum has been outed as a Hitler fetishist by Benson & Hedges. Scum is playing a gig with Tattooed Mother Fuckers in October, while Australian band The Corps is touring Europe with TMF and Retaliator. Locally, Benson & Hedges have announced the impending disaster that will be the Ian Stuart Donaldson memorial gig (2007 | 2006), *ing Douglas Schott’s Viking warriors from Newcastle Blood Red Eagle, a resurrected Ravenous (not to be confused with the Kiwi metalheads), and some schmucks from one of them foreign countries. BRE is available for purchase through local ‘punk’ mailorder Snapshot, along with Skrewdriver, Bound For Glory (UK not US), Fortress (AUS), Legion of St. George* (UK), Retaliator (UK) and the incomparable Southern Storm (”Niggers, Jews and Communists / Look out scum, you’re on our list!”). Snapshot is also closely associated with ‘Class War’ in Sydney… which is odd.

In the meantime, some classic oi!:

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Anti-fascism | Leave a comment

Australia New Zealand Nationalist Protectionist Alliance First Party (Democrats)

The good citizens of NSW go to the polls on Saturday September 13 to elect worthy representatives to their local councils.


Yes of course. But not entirely. Or at least, not as boring as the Logies anyway.

In the Sutherland Shire, in the ding-dong battle for last place, the ‘nationalist’ parties are — divided. On the one hand, protecting Australia, is p0rn salesman Darrin Hodges; on the other hand, putting Australia first, is Doctor of Philosophy James Saleam. Hodges is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, having for a short period been a member of Australia First and Saleam’s loyal sidekick. Unfortunately, Hodges was kicked to the curb by Saleam, for reasons which remain a little obscure but which appear to have something to do with Hodges’ being a little too independent-minded.

For his part, while losing some support to the Australian Protectionists (and the rump of the party in rural Victoria), Saleam has sent a coo-ee over the seas, and formed a Trans-Tasman Alliance with a handful of fascist veterans from Aotearoa/New Zealand. (This momentous event was actually announced several months ago, but being a slack bastard, I hadn’t noticed ’til now.)


The ANZAC Declaration: Australia First Party And New Zealand Nationalist Alliance: Declaration Of Common Interests And Future Relations
April 25, 2008

Australian and New Zealand nationalists have opted to address common issues and deepen their association.

The publication of this Declaration will be followed by face to face discussions in Sydney to set the terms of this new bond.

The nationalists recognise that there is a long historical link between the two countries. This connection has had a face in war (the shared ANZAC legacy) and a basis in common origins.

Today, Australia and New Zealand have both different and similar current internal problems to resolve, but they certainly face common threats, extant and future – from the New World Order regime based in America and its globalisation measures and wars, the international Zionist apparatus and its warmongering and other manipulations, climate changes, refugees, the crisis of Third World population and immigration and the rise of the Chinese superpower and its imperialist activities in the South Pacific. These dangers unite the two countries in a common destiny. To survive our time, a new arrangement of common defence and alliance must be forged.

Of late, Australian nationalists have reinvigorated the Australia First Party. This party grows stronger, ideologically, politically and organizationally. After failed attempts by reactionary elements to deflect the party towards pseudo mainstream (sic) politics and the continuing crisis of the patriotic forces generally, this party advances a programme, a strategy and viable tactics for success.

The Australia First Party intends to – and shall manage to – unite all genuine patriotic people into a united nationalist party.

Of late, New Zealand nationalists have worked to overcome a period of disunion caused by unfavourable external political factors and fractious individuals. The present trend towards unity is inexorable. New Right New Zealand, the National Democrats and the National Front have created a common co-operative structure in the Nationalist Alliance.

Ultimately, one nationalist party shall emerge, uniting the best people in the broad New Zealand movement.

The Australian and New Zealand nationalists are resolved to exchange ideas and information, to campaign jointly whenever possible and to build a firm association for the future.

For Australia: Brendan Gidley, Jim Saleam, Neil Baird
For New Zealand: Kyle Chapman, Anton Foljambe, Kerry Bolton

For fuck’s sake

The usual suspects, in other words. Not included as signatories to the above statement but apparently supportive are two other Kiwi fascists, Collin Ansell and Steve Larsen.

“For Australia”, Jim Saleam and Neil Baird are reasonably well-known; Brendan Gidley is a little more obscure. In 1993, Gidley stood for a seat in the Victorian Senate along with Brian Buckley, a serial candidate (Gidley got 48 votes). At around this time, Gidley was associated with what one source describes as being “the tiny, anti-immigrant National Republican Movement”, the address for which was given as being a PO Box in Kew; Gidley was also a One Nation activist in the Ringwood (Melbourne) branch. Norm Dixon (who has denounced yours truly for being a right-winger) asserts that Gidley was expelled from ONP once his membership of the NRM was made public (Neo-Nazi thugs offer their services to Hanson, Green Left Weekly, August 19, 1998).

Another Victorian with a radical past who has hitched his star to Pauline’s wagon is Brendan Gidley, a One Nation branch committee member in the Melbourne suburb of Ringwood. Gidley stood for a Victorian Senate seat in 1993 for the Republican Party of Australia. He is also the founder of the tiny National Republican Movement, an anti-immigrant group that was active in the early 1990s, and which modelled itself on National Action. The NRM issued posters using artwork from the US-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. One of its stickers read: “Mass Third World immigration: Enriching our culture by TB, syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis, rabies, leprosy.” The NRM is still active, and is listed on a new far-right website as a supplier of “nationalist literature” written by former National Action and National Socialist (Nazi) Party leader Jim Saleam. The address given is Gidley’s PO Box in the Melbourne suburb of Kew.

For New Zealand:

Colin (King-)Ansell (c.1947–): A veteran neo-Nazi, King-Ansell was once der Führer of the New Zealand National Socialist (Nazi) Party, served 18 months in jail for committing arson on a synagogue, and attempted to organise a gang of boneheads called ‘Unit88’; it ended badly.
Kerry Bolton (1956–): Another former NZ Nazi Party member, Bolton is a highly-entertaining fascist bozo, having been a member of numerous other political formations: the National Front (1978), Church of Odin (1980), New Force (1981), Nationalist Workers Party (1983), Fascist Union (1998), Workers’ Front (1999), and others. Most recently, Bolton — who is also some kinda Satanist — helped form the New Zealand New Right (not to be confused with Welf Herfurth’s New Right Australia & New Zealand).
Kyle Chapman (1971–): Popularly known as ‘The Pieman’ on account of his fondness for pies, Chapman, like Ansell, has an aversion to Maori culture, and is a former Führer of the New Zealand National Front (NZNF), currently led by a Squid called Sid (Wilson). Upon leaving the NZNF, Chapman helped form the National Democrats, which died not long after its birth.
Anton Foljambe (1972–): Foljambe, like the other members of the Nationalist Alliance, has been a member of a number of previous fascist groupuscules, in his case including the Conservative Front, National Front and — along with Chapman and Bolton — the National Democrats.
Steve Larsen (?): A bonehead, and formerly the ‘intelligence’ officer for the NZNF, a role which he continued in the New Right.

Posted in Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 43 Comments

Australia scores!

Chinese dissident deported from Australia kills himself: advocate
A Chinese dissident who was forcibly deported from Australia despite voicing fears of persecution if he was returned to his native country has killed himself, a refugee advocate claimed Monday…

Alan Bond back on rich list
Former bankrupt and convicted fraudster Alan Bond has rejoined the ranks of Australia’s wealthiest people after 19 years. Eight years after being released from jail, Mr Bond has returned to BRW magazine’s Rich 200 list with a ranking of 157 and a fortune of $265 million built on his overseas mining interests…

Former President of the Australian Union of Students (1983 — the Union collapsed in 1984, and was resurrected as NUS in 1987) and member of ‘Socialist Forum’, Julia Gillard is now Minister for Education, Employment, Workplace Relations & Social Inclusion and Deputy Prime Minister. In which capacity, Gillard has launched New Employment Standards. The NES are:

    1. Maximum weekly hours of work
    2. Request for flexible working arrangements
    3. Parental leave and related entitlements
    4. Annual leave
    5. Personal/Carer’s leave and compassionate leave
    6. Community service leave
    7. Long service leave
    8. Public holidays
    9. Notice of termination and redundancy pay
    10. Fair Work Information Statement

We have started out from the premises of political economy. We have accepted its language and its laws. We presupposed private property; the separation of labour, capital, and land, and likewise of wages, profit, and capital; the division of labour; competition; the conception of exchange value, etc. From political economy itself, using its own words, we have shown that the worker sinks to the level of a commodity, and moreover the most wretched commodity of all; that the misery of the worker is in inverse proportion to the power and volume of his production; that the necessary consequence of competition is the accumulation of capital in a few hands and hence the restoration of monopoly in a more terrible form; and that, finally, the distinction between capitalist and landlord, between agricultural worker and industrial worker, disappears and the whole of society must split into the two classes of property owners and propertyless workers

The estrangement of the worker in his object is expressed according to the laws of political economy in the following way:

    1. the more the worker produces, the less he has to consume;
    2. the more value he creates, the more worthless he becomes;
    3. the more his product is shaped, the more misshapen the worker;
    4. the more civilized his object, the more barbarous the worker;
    5. the more powerful the work, the more powerless the worker;
    6. the more intelligent the work, the duller the worker and the more he becomes a slave of nature…

THEY’VE survived against the odds for up to 20,000 years, but Victoria’s dwindling mountain pygmy possum population may be about to meet its greatest threat: James Packer.

The nation’s third-richest man is preparing to take control of Victoria’s Mount Hotham and Falls Creek ski fields — home to the tiny possums, which weigh just 45 grams when fully grown and can fit in the palm of a hand.

But a $500 million plan to redevelop the Hotham Alpine Village could threaten the endangered possums’ habitat, according to environmental groups who want Mr Packer to reconsider the scale of the project if his bid to take over the resorts is successful.

With fewer than 2000 mountain pygmy possums remaining in the wild, safeguarding them is a priority, says the Victorian National Parks Association‘s Jenny Barnett…

Posted in !nataS, Poetry, State / Politics | Leave a comment


Anti-German Translation is a blog I’ve referred to previously, but I thought I’d do so again (and not just because they link to my own). It links to an interview with Matthias Küntzel, the author of Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (Telos Press, 2007) on Islamism, Antisemitism, and the political left (Democratiya, No. 13, May 25, 2008). It has a number of links to various anti-German news, views and perspectives (mostly in German).

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

May Music

As used and recommended by slackbastard during the merry month of May, 2008:

Alvin & The Chipmunks | White (Chipmunk) Power!
Bad Brains | Yeah, I know we don’t need no Jah-fascist doctrine — or to be so uptight — but still…
Bad News | They are never gonna die, never gonna die, never gonna die!
Beastie Boys | Love/hate. (Actually, hate/grudging acceptance.)
Big Black | Noisy whatever.
Bikini Kill | Same riot grrl attitude, but before the ad jingles and the Casios… and where’s the fucking riot anyway?
Brujeria | Jeremy Sheaffe (ex-Hot Metal/HM/Loudmouth/Blunt magazines) once complained that they sang in Mexican.
Johnny Cash | The Man in Black. Accept no imitations.
Consolidated | Reports of the death of the culture industry have been greatly exaggerated.
Crucifucks | Punk. *sigh*
Dead Kennedys | Nazi punks… fuck off!
Flight of the Conchords | Hey ladies… Ladies?
Habeas Corpus | Um.
Linton Kwesi Johnson | A tewwibwy viowent man according to a Christian Christian Kerr. Known to the rest of the world as a brilliant reggae artist, poet and performer.
Kreator | A metal band unafraid to say fuck fascism.
Los Fastidios | A great punk band from Verona, Italy.
MC 900 Foot Jesus | Dude.
MC Hammer | Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em! Born Stanley Kirk Burrell, March 30, 1962. Big pants. Little talent.
Midnight Oil | The band that produced Peter Garrett politician. Sad.
Christy Moore | Another (Irish) dude.
Morcheeba | Hubba hubba.
Adrian Munsey | Baa! Baa? Baa!
Naked Raygun | Er… They came from Chicago.
Utah Phillips | 1935–2008.
Pogues | This one’s for Ulster. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha.
Praxis | Axiom; Tennessee 2004; on The Essential Elements.
Gil Scott-Heron | Musician, performer, poet, writer. Reveals most contemporary hip hop artists to be the corporate lackeys that they are. Interview on NPR, December 11, 2007.
Sin Dios | Hardcore anarquista. (Fags.)
Skarpretter | Unlikely to share the bill with Bulldog Spirit.
Weird Al Yankovic | Polka power.
Benjamin Zephaniah | Another great poet and performer.

Posted in Music | 3 Comments

Bash the Fash

Bash the Fash

Organise, No.70

“Fascist” nowadays has come to be popularly adopted as a harmless pejorative term used towards any person or institution considered to be mildly authoritarian. It is an anachronism that refers to a political movement that existed and failed decades ago. Euronationalist groups like the British National Party (BNP), exploiting fears from the working class over worsening conditions, now attempt to couch their policies in respectable political language. They attempt to present themselves as a radical alternative to the static mainstream political parties who have become increasingly isolated from the concerns of working class communities and have been rewarded for this with a swell in sympathy. Yet despite their apparent transformation, the political programmes of organisations like the BNP still in reality embody the original tenets of fascist ideology. They are authoritarian and hierarchical, organising themselves and understanding society along strict racial lines and promoting a centralised corporatist economic model as an attempt to reconcile the inherent contradictions of capital. These ideas may have been re-branded as the supposed popular face of white Britain and clothed in the guise of a parliamentary political party but their essential character remains. It represents, as with all statist political movements, the subjugation, oppression and continued exploitation of the working class and active opposition to its organisation through the organs of the state. Fascism is the most explicitly violent incarnation of this political programme. It shows its true colours when family values, concerns for immigration and traditionalism at the ballot box become homophobia, male chauvinism, racialism and despotism in power. Class antagonisms are silenced by a brutal regime that denies the diversity, individuality and creative potential of human life. Capital and privilege are defended by the entire repressive arsenal of the state as opponents and dissidents are quashed.

Fascist violence

Political violence has remained consistent in fascism’s modern counterparts. Despite a commitment to “community activism”, hostility, threats and intimidation continue to exist as a central driving force behind fascist ideology. The BNP has a well publicised history of brutal attacks by its members. Tony Wentworth, the BNP’s former student organiser has had convictions alongside Joe Owens (Nick Griffin’s former bodyguard) for assaults against activists at an anti-BNP rally. Owens had also previously served eight months in prison for sending razor blades to a Jewish family through the post. Tony Lecomber – Nick Griffin’s key deputy in the party from 1999 until January 2006 – was jailed in 1985 after a nail bomb he was carrying to the offices of the Worker’s Revolutionary Party exploded and then again in 1991 for assaulting a Jewish teacher who was removing a BNP sticker from a London Underground Station. David Copeland, who exploded a nail bomb at the Admiral Duncan pub in the heart of London’s homosexual community, was a former BNP member. Although the BNP distanced itself from Copeland, Griffin wrote in the aftermath of the bombing that homosexuals protesting against the murders were “flaunting their perversion in front of the world’s journalists, [and] showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures disgusting”. Wherever fascists are unopposed they are able to carry out systematic campaigns of violence against ethnic minorities, the gay community and working class organisations.

Antifa origins

The term “antifa” has its original origins in the “Antifaschismus”, working class organisations that were formed in Germany (and also in Italy) in opposition to the fascist parties that were to take power during the interwar years. Originally, being composed only of members of the “Rotfrontkämpferbund”, the paramilitary wing of the German Communist Party, the groups later expanded to encompass a wide range of left wing activists. Its central goal was to present a physical opposition to the emerging fascism. Despite some attempts at mass resistance to National Socialism, particularly within the Mössinger General Strike, after Hitler’s seizure of power in 1933 the movement began to fall into decline and became increasingly isolated from the communist resistance during the war. Many antifa groups during this period came with Soviet sponsorship and Prisoners of War captured during the Eastern Front campaign were encouraged to undertake antifa training. In Spain during the 1930’s antifascism took on a more explicitly revolutionary character. During the civil war, “reds” from across the globe mobilised in defence of worker and peasant gains against the Republic and fascist armies. “¡No pasarán!” became a rallying cry alongside “Land and Liberty!” for the international emancipation of the working classes. It also came to be adopted by British militants during the 1936 Battle of Cable Street. Antifas, including Jewish, socialist and Irish groups, blockaded streets and fought running battles with the police in an attempt to halt a planned march and kick Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists out of the East End.

National Front and British Movement

In the 1970s, fascist and far right parties such as the National Front (NF) and British Movement were making significant gains electorally in the UK and were increasingly confident in their public appearances. This was challenged in 1977 with the Battle of Lewisham, when thousands of people physically stopped an NF march in South London. Shortly after this, the Anti-Nazi League (ANL) was launched by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP). The ANL had a campaign of high profile propaganda, as well as anti-fascist squads that attacked NF meetings and paper sales to disrupt their ability to organize. The SWP, whose theoretician Tony Cliff described the period as one of downturn in class struggle, later disbanded the ANL. However, many squad members refused to stop their activities and because of this were expelled from the party in 1981; many then going on to form the group Red Action. In 1985, some members of Red Action and the anarcho-syndicalist Direct Action Movement launched Anti-Fascist Action (AFA), which was to be the focus of militant anti-fascism in the UK for the next 15 years. Similarly, in the 1980’s activists from the German autonomous and squatters movement began to adopt militant anti-fascist tactics in the face of neo-Nazi attacks following the reunification of Germany. They rekindled the legacy of the earlier oppositions to National Socialism and began to organize to prevent and disrupt planned activities of far right organizations – particularly the Third Position group the NDP (National Democratic Party) which had a history of violence and intimidation. After the decline of AFA in the late 90’s, in 2004 members from the Anarchist Federation, Class War, and No Platform founded the UK organization Antifa. Antifa poses an alternative to non-violent, broad front and anti-class groups like the UAF (Unite Against Fascism) and state-linked agencies like Searchlight and continues to imitate the tactics of groups like AFA before them.

Militant values

Despite this chequered history and the diverse adherents the essential values of “Antifa” have remained consistent. Militant anti-fascists all accept the need for physical confrontation with fascists; they understand that fascist groups promote their ideas through political violence and that there needs to be a counterweight to this. They also accept that if the struggle against fascism is to be successful it must be tackled by communities, not the state.

These principles have led many to confuse the character of Antifa and militant anti-fascism. These aims clearly have a political quality and come hand-in-hand with a radical, class based critique of capitalist society. Yet while the roots of militant anti-fascism are clearly political, Antifa is essentially a tactic. It is about defending the streets against those who wish to claim them and presenting an active and confrontational face for working class opposition. The “flabby pacifism” of liberal and broad front organisations has and always will fail. Every inch of political ground that is given to the fascists means more attacks, more intimidation, more intolerance and less unity. The use of violence and the threat of violence is a fabric of our everyday existence. It is used by the state, it is used by the army and it is used by our political opponents. This means that activists have to face some difficult questions. Militants have a clear choice when confronted with fascism. They can either do nothing, resign themselves to pacifistic and statist “solutions” that only serve to entrench the conditions in which fascism flourishes or they can be active, they can accept a historical responsibility to take a stand and stamp this poison out of their community. It is important however, to hold no illusions over these tactics. It is vital for the health of an organisation that it is conscious of the potential negative effects that the use of violence can have. Activists must be introspective and self-critical. Machismo and hooliganism cannot be tolerated and a concerted effort must be made to stop organisations becoming gendered. An awareness of the stress and commitment that are involved in these situations and the need for solidarity and support are also important for the well-being of activists.

Leftist criticisms

The secretive nature of many antifascist groups has led to criticisms of “squadism” from many within the left. They see Antifa and its equivalents as elitist and undemocratic. But such an attitude is a symptom of mentalities that view all workers organisations as necessarily vanguardist and is unfair to activists who risk their safety in defence of their communities. For decades revolutionary left groups have opportunistically used the mobilisation against fascism as a way of trying to swell their membership and the coffers of their party. There are clear practical reasons why militant anti-fascist groups have to retain cautiousness over membership. Not only does the potential illegality of actions warrant vigilance but there are also many precedents of far-right and state infiltration within these organisations. This criticism also ignores Antifa’s clear commitment to ideological struggle against fascism and the open community activism which is considered as equally important to successful confrontation with fascists. As is stated in Antifa’s founding statement, “education and presenting workable solutions to the problems faced by communities are absolutely vital to the struggle. These may be outside the current remit of Antifa, but we will wholeheartedly support these tactics, and while we may not be able to initiate such activities, we strongly encourage our members to involve themselves in this sort of grass-roots work.”

Some will argue that this ideological struggle must be waged against the fascist themselves, that a direct debate is the most effective way of undermining their ideals. But debate with a fascist is not only futile but impossible. It is an academic fantasy born of no real experience of what the threat of fascism means on your street and in your neighbourhood. It is, after all, difficult to discuss dialectics with a jackboot to your face. Debate represents progress. Fascists are not interested in this. Their ideas are inherently irrational and romanticised, they should not be considered as equal. As has been demonstrated repeatedly, to fascists like Nick Griffin public debate is merely a PR stunt. It is a media spectacle for them to spout their ideological trash.

No platform to fascists

No platform adherents like the Anarchist Federation and Antifa believe that fascists should not be given the authority to proselytize against ethnic communities and minorities and encourage their followers to violence. Giving them a platform gives respectability to their ideas and bolsters the self-assurance of their adherents who may feel it is publicly acceptable to adopt the label “fascist”. These “ideas” must never become acceptable. They undermine our confidence, they undermine our unity and they legitimize anti-class attitudes. Halting a BNP paper sale, march or meeting may seem like a trivial affair, but it is vital to disrupt their organisation at all of its levels. Adolf Hitler himself said that the only way the rise of the German Nazi party could have been prevented was if its enemies had recognized it for what it was right at the start and had smashed it in its infancy and with utmost force. It is necessary for debate to take place, but this has to be within and amongst the community. Issues need to be addressed, activists need to help build workers confidence and encourage struggles in a more productive direction. Intolerance to fascism needs to become a basic fact of community life as solidarity, mutual aid and autonomy are promoted as alternative methods of confronting the ills of capitalist society.

As militant anti-fascists we understand the necessity of Antifa and physical confrontation tactics. But as anarchist communists we also understand that ultimately the only decisive way to defeat fascism is to eliminate the conditions under which it develops. Fascism will end when an organised working class is able to overthrow capital and the state and reconstruct society along libertarian lines. Fascism is a product of weak and disillusioned people. Capitalism argues that prosperity comes through strength and this imperialism is mirrored in their ideology. Anarchist communism also argues that we can be strong, but that we discover this through solidarity and self-organisation. It will only be when these ideas are the natural principles of the working class that we will we be able to decisively give fascism the boot.

ANTIFA is a collective of militant anti-fascists committed to opposing the rise of the far-right in Britain and abroad. They believe in the ‘no platform’ philosophy and the tradition of fighting fascism/racism stretching back to Cable Street, Red Lion Square, Lewisham, and Waterloo. They are a network of various organisations and individuals who see anti-fascism as part of the class struggle.

Posted in Anarchism, Anti-fascism, State / Politics | 11 Comments

Splitting with Anarchism (as Opposed to Anything Else)

‘Fighting White Rage, Splitting with Anarchism?’ is a text published on the illvox site (May 13, 2008), outlining reasons not to be cheerful regarding the relationship between anarchism and people of colour in the United States. The text is below; illvox itself emerged in June 2007, is “manifested and maintained by people of color”, and to some extent replaced a previous site, Anarchist People of Color ( APOC emerged in the US in 2001 as an email list and site, and was maintained by Ernesto Aguilar (among others). The APOC network organised a few conferences, then more or less dissolved.

‘Fighting White Rage’ reproduces a short statement arguing in favour of employing the term ‘autonomous’ as opposed to ‘anarchist’ to describe the network, and condemns the (white) anarchist movement in the US for its racism. Anyway, it’s a bit of a bizarro tract, and appears to owe more than a little to Maoism — which, incidentally, a small number of former members of the Love & Rage Federation eventually joined, and by way of following a fairly similar logic.

Maybe I’ll reply to it later…

10 Reasons for APOC as “Autonomous People of Color” as Opposed to Anything Else
Negro Mankno

10. Both the Marxist and anarchist tendencies in the U.S. consistently exhibit white supremacist chauvinism, organizational cultism, leadership cultism, and historical revisionism; especially as it relates to workers of color.

9. Workers of color are the MAJORITY in the world. Here in AmeriKKKa we still think and act as a “minority.” This is one of the reasons we get what we get: crumbs and/or crucified.

8. Only we can save ourselves. If others decide to add-on and assist, that’s great. But to expect their help is bourgeois ideology. “Affirmative action” is NOT the same as “reparations.” Only our brains (and our bullets) can grant us and guarantee us our collective freedom.

7. We still spend entirely too much time spinning our wheels dealing with white anarchists and white progressives, rather than reaching out to our brothers and sisters who look like us and live like us.

6. All knowledge can trace its roots to the various cultures we originate from. The first strike for better wages and working conditions in recorded history occurred in 1170 BC in Egypt. Marxism and Bakuninist anarchism comes out of Freemasonry, which was the product of the Egyptian Mystery System. Both Marx and Bakunin were 32nd degree Masons, as was Lenin’s father and Mao’s #2, Lin Bao.

5. J. Sakai’s Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat [First edition, 1983] outlines clearly the truth of the worker’s movement. Few of us have read or digested these lessons. The real proletariat is non-white and the real proletariat is not the radicalized intelligentsia. The natural result of allowing a radicalized intelligentsia to seize state power is Stalinism, dictatorship of the party over the people. And all of us can bear witness to this dynamic in our activism; even amongst so-called “anarchists” and “anti-authoritarians.”

4. Autonomy shows our solidarity with the international working class, and our break with classic anarchism and Marxism, even as we may share some common ideas, concepts, and goals with both; like anti-KKKapitalism. True self-determination begins with answering the question: “do I have ideas…or do ideas have me?”

3. “Autonomy” demands and demonstrates a new orientation and socio/political platform for active class struggle from a non-white perspective.

2. The main reason we see clashes between communities of color, like Mexicans versus Blacks for example, is due to the interference of outside reactionary forces working in concert with reactionary forces within our communities. The reactionaries within our communities (regardless of actual economic status) who enable the larger power structure to do what it does must be singled out, neutralized, and/or ruthlessly destroyed; otherwise the revolution will never see the light of day. We must have the total support of the majority of our respective peoples or we will fail. This is what we need to focus on.

1. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So why do we seek to imitate those who routinely oppress us?

“All knowledge can trace its roots to the various cultures we originate from. The first strike for better wages and working conditions in recorded history occurred in 1170 BC in Egypt. Marxism and Bakuninist anarchism comes out of Freemasonry, which was the product of the Egyptian Mystery System. Both Marx and Bakunin were 32nd degree Masons, as was Lenin’s father and Mao’s #2, Lin Bao.”

That’s some pretty weird shit.

Presumably, the purpose of claiming that all knowledge has its roots in cultures from which people of colour originate is intended to dispel the racist myth that knowledge is an exclusively White domain. On the contrary — so the argument goes — a radical understanding of the history of ideas reveals that Africa is at the centre of human intellectual endeavour. In the long run, however, constructing another myth to take the place of Eurocentrism is not especially helpful, especially when it’s used to bolster the claim that Marxism and Bakuninist anarchism were borne of Freemasonry, in turn a product of the Egyptian Mystery System.

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism | 10 Comments

“The Inaugural Down Under Feminists Carnival”: Sheilas Still Complaining

Stone the bloody crows (via Club Troppo)…

Hoyden About Town is proud to present the first edition of the Down Under Feminists Carnival! I hope you enjoy this spectacular buffet of feminist writing.

The Down Under Feminists Carnival is open to feminist submissions from any blog based in Australia or New Zealand. You can submit your own posts or those of others, and you can submit as many posts as you like. Please spread the word amongst your feminist networks, and keep the carnival going.

Posted in Media, Sex & Sexuality, State / Politics | 10 Comments