Recently, Vertigo, a student newspaper published by the University of Technology, Sydney, for reasons best known to the editors (and in possible ignorance of certain political realities) has provided an outlet for the views of ‘national anarchists’ (see : ‘A is for Anarchy’, Bonita Silva and Donna Yan, May 19, 2009; my own thoughts on the article may be found here). To the best of my knowledge, this is the first occasion upon which ‘national anarchism’ — despite the term’s oxymoronic composition — has been recognised as constituting a legitimate part of the spectrum of anarchist opinion within Australia. It occurs at the same time as German authorities have noted an upsurge in fascist violence associated with the ‘national anarchist’ milieu in Germany; as the Southern Poverty Law Centre has for the first time taken note of similar ideological developments among the far right in the United States; and just a few months after Spencer Sunshine dissected ‘national anarchism’ for US publication Public Eye (‘Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists’, Vol.23, No.4, Winter 2008). It is also being published over eighteen months after local anarchist groups issued a statement exposing the ‘national anarchists’ — organised under the banner of the ‘New Right’ — as being the latest in a long line of fascist groupuscules. (See also : “Pathetic Australian anarchist statement on the New Reich”.)
Below I re-publish Der Spiegel‘s article on ‘national anarchist’/fascist violence in Germany, and the SPLC’s examination of ‘national anarchism’ in San Francisco.
‘National Anarchism’: California Racists Claim They’re Anarchists, Casey Sanchez, Intelligence Report, Summer 2009:
San Francisco — At this year’s Bay Area Anarchist Bookfair, held in Golden Gate Park in mid-March, there was plenty of discord among the 6,000 or so anarchists in attendance. The militant vegans of the Animal Liberation Front, for instance, sold books advocating violence in defense of animal rights while a nearby “anarcho-steampunk” (a survivalist with a fetish for Victorian-era steam-powered contraptions) casually skinned a roadkill raccoon. “It’s good protein,” he offered.
Unifying anarchists has been likened to herding cats. But if there is one theme that most anarchists will rally around, it is that of stamping out racism, especially organized racism driven by white nationalist ideology. Many younger anarchists are members of Anti-Racist Action, a national coalition of direct-action “antifa” (short for “anti-fascist”) groups that confront neo-Nazis and racist skinheads in the street, often resulting in violence. At the Golden Gate book fair, one antifa crew handed out stickers with a telephone hotline number that called out the racist skinhead groups Volksfront and the Hammerskins and encouraged fellow anarchists to report in with “Information on Racist/Fascist activity in your area.”
Note that leading ‘national anarchist’ ideologue Welf Herfurth — a former representative of neo-Nazi skinhead organisation ‘Blood & Honour’ in NSW — has recently joined forces with Douglas Schott of neo-Nazi reich ‘n’ roll band Blood Red Eagle to (re-)launch ‘Volksfront Australia’ — much to the displeasure of ‘Blood & Honour’.
But also lurking at the book fair was a handful of little-noticed anarchists of a different sort — so-called “national anarchists,” who advocate racial separatism and white racial purity. They’re also fiercely anti-gay and anti-Israel. Calling themselves the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANANAS), they envision a future race war leading to neo-tribal, whites-only enclaves to be called “National Autonomous Zones.”
“We are racial separatists for a number of reasons, such as our desire to maintain our cultural continuity, the principle of voluntary association, and as a self-defensive measure to protect each other from being victimized by crime from other races,” BANANAS co-founder Andrew Yeoman told the Intelligence Report.
Members of BANANAS and other likeminded national anarchists cloak their bigotry in the language of radical environmentalism and mystical tribalism, pulling recruits from both the extreme right and [?] the far left.
“It’s an extremely diverse group,” said Yeoman, with no hint of irony. “We have ex-liberals, ex-neo-cons, we have Ron Paul supporters, we have ex-boneheads, we have apolitical people that have been turned on to our causes.”
Although national anarchism in the U.S. remains a relatively obscure movement, made up of probably fewer than 200 individuals in BANANAS and a couple of other groups in northern California and Idaho, organizations based on national anarchist ideology have gained a foothold in Russia and sown turmoil in the environmental movement in Germany. There are enthusiasts in Britain, Spain and Australia, among other overseas nations. Now, national anarchists in the U.S. are carefully studying the successes and failures of their more prominent international counterparts as they attempt to similarly win converts from the radical environmentalist and white nationalist movements in this country.
“The danger National Anarchists represent is not in their marginal political strength, but in their potential to show an innovative way that fascist groups can re-brand themselves and reset their project on a new footing,” said a report issued last December by Political Research Associates, a Massachusetts-based progressive think tank. “They have abandoned many traditional fascist practices — including the use of overt neo-Nazi references. In [their] place they offer a more toned down, sophisticated approach … often claiming not to be ‘fascist’ at all.”
‘Entryism’ and the Left
Indeed, one of national anarchists’ principal tactics is called “entryism,” defined in one of the movement’s how-to guides as “the name given to the process of entering or infiltrating bona fide organizations, institutions and political parties with the intention of gaining control of them for our own ends.”
In the same manner as their fashion is borrowed from the anarchists, the tactic of ‘entryism’ is something the ‘national anarchists’ have taken from elsewhere, in this case Trotskyism. In the nomenclature of Trotskyism, ‘entryism’ is also referred to as ‘The French Turn’, following Trotsky’s advocacy of the tactic in 1934. In essence, Trotsky advocated his followers to join the parties of the Second International and other equivalent organisations en bloc; the tactic had mixed results, and remains a controversial subject within the remains of the orthodox Trotskyist current. One account of the tactic, by the Trotskyist groupuscule ‘Permanent Revolution’, is available here. On fascists aping anarchist fashion, see : When Nazis go Pop… New strategies of the extreme right in Germany, RAGGACORE, LFO DEMON, 12.11.2004. For fashion tips, “a seemingly ordinary anarchist that has a penchant for being overdressed and rubbing it in” named Adam maintains a blog named The Boulevardier.
In ‘The Case for National-Anarchist Entryism’, leading national anarchist ideologue Troy Southgate, a Briton, called for national anarchists to join political groups and then “misdirect or disrupt them for our own purposes or convert sections of their memberships to our cause.”
Anti-racist anarchists on the West Coast have been aware of national anarchists attempting to infiltrate and exploit their scene since at least 2005, when the Oregon eco-anarchist magazine Green Anarchy issued a warning: “If you encounter these people, don’t be fooled by the surface similarities; treat them as if they were Klan members or Nazis.”
Nevertheless, the doctrines of national anarchism seem to be making inroads into what Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, a longtime researcher of esoteric Aryan racial cults, has called “a folkish or tribal revival among white youth who are beset by an acute sense of disenfranchisement.”
National anarchists appeal to these youths in part by avoiding the trappings of skinhead culture — flight jackets, shaved heads and combat boots — in favor of hooded sweatshirts and bandanas. They act the part of stereotypical anarchists, as envisioned by most Americans outside of far-left circles: black-clad protesters wreaking havoc at political conventions and anti-globalization rallies.
In reality, although militant street action has been a favored and much-noticed tactic of some anarchist groups, most anarchists are less interested in smashing the state than in learning to live outside it. They scavenge surplus groceries for their meals, squat in abandoned buildings and construct pirate radio stations.
Yeoman said it was this do-it-yourself ethos that inspired him to become involved with the anarchist movement not long after the sometimes-violent 1999 anti-globalization demonstrations in Seattle drew international notice. But it didn’t take him long to move towards white separatism. In 2003, “the Anarchist People of Color had a well-known meeting in Detroit in which they prohibited white people from entering,” Yeoman recounted. “It was seen as this progressive thing not to allow white people into their meeting so they could pursue their black agenda or whatever. I really saw that as a huge contradiction between behavior that was allowable for certain kinds of people but not people of my descent.”
Coming Out
BANANAS first began appearing in public in San Francisco only in late 2007. Since then, BANANAS members with “Keep Our Children Safe” signs have protested alongside Christian Right demonstrators outside a gay leather subculture festival in San Francisco and organized a cleanup of San Francisco Bay shores. “Just because you’re proud to be white doesn’t mean you have to let everything go to waste,” one BANANAS member stated in a YouTube video documenting the beach cleanup.
The group also recently formed at least a fleeting alliance with the American Front, a bonehead group based in Sacramento, Calif. American Front leader David Lynch credits BANANAS online with helping raise funds on behalf of a member of the domestic extreme-right terrorist group The Order who’s due to be released from prison early next year.
The American Front traces its lineage back to the 1980s. Its most prominent, but exceedingly coy, member is (was) industrial musician Boyd Rice. Boyd Rice is also (only?) an actor, appearing in the execrable 1999 film Pearls Before Swine, directed, written and produced by Melbourne filmmaker and self-proclaimed ‘transcendental fascist’ Richard Wolstencroft. In addition to being a phenomenally bad writer, yuppie Dick is also the director-for-life of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival, its launch in 2000 prompted by the Melbourne International Film Festival’s decision that his swinish film was simply too bad to screen. (One reviewer’s opinion: “I’ve kind of always distrusted Richard Wolstencroft, filmmaker, Melbourne Underground Film Festival director, and tedious bore, partly because of his avowed fascist tendencies. Now that I’ve paid money for and sat through his fucking film, I just want to beat the cunt senseless.”)
Dick courted controversy in 2003 by scheduling a screening of The Search For Truth In History, a video of a lecture by Holocaust revisionist historian David Irving; he also gives props to the Southern Cross Soldiers on his blog.
When all’s said and done, not to be taken too seriously.
The fascist ideological swamp out of which Rice emerged is surveyed in Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke’s The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology, New York University Press, 2002; a brief essay by Clarke, ‘The Occult Roots of Nazism’, published by Lapis zine, covers the same territory. Of particular note in this context is the thesis by Kiwi student Roel Van Leeuwen titled ‘Dreamers of the Dark: Kerry Bolton and the Order of the Left Hand Path, a Case-study of a Satanic/Neo-Nazi Synthesis’ (Original, 2008). Kerry’s occult powers have forced the University of Waikato to pull the thesis from its shelves.
Last Dec. 28, BANANAS donned their national anarchist hoodies — emblazoned with “Smash All Dogmas” on the back and “New Right” on both sleeves — tied bandanas over their faces, unfurled a banner reading “Yes We Can, Bay Area National Anarchists” and joined a protest of several thousand against Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip. Practicing full-blown entryism, they marched between groups carrying the Palestinian flag and the gay-pride flag, while shouting, “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Zionism!”
More recently, BANANAS have started carrying a black flag with the letter Q in one corner. That’s a reference to Yeoman’s claim that his ancestors rode with Quantrill’s Raiders, a notoriously violent pro-Confederate guerrilla outfit that battled for control of the border state of Missouri during the Civil War.
Like their late hero Julius Evola, an esoteric Italian writer and “spiritual racist” lionized by modern-day fascists, BANANAS believe themselves to be in revolt against the modern world. The group’s website carries notes of high praise for neo-Confederate secessionist groups like the League of the South and the Republic of South Carolina. Some of the site’s content is unintentionally comical. For example, BANANAS exalts the lily-white town of Mayberry in the 1960s TV sitcom “The Andy Griffith Show” as “a realized anarchist society.”
Yearning for Eden
The bulk of the BANANAS website, in fact, consists of long-winded blog posts predicting the imminent collapse of multicultural liberalism. Most illustrative of BANANAS’ worldview — and its hopes for the future — is a short piece of urban apocalyptic fiction that Yeoman penned for BANANAS and cross-posted at the white nationalist website It’s titled, “The Clock Strikes High Noon.”
The story begins on a San Francisco morning with a young white woman on a bicycle. She witnesses a fight break out between a black man and a Latino. An anti-fascist street punk steps in to break up the fight, only to be beaten down. The bicyclist turns away and pulls out her laptop to discover the country is collapsing: the president has been assassinated, the stock market is in free fall, and the Constitution has been suspended.
Horrified, she speeds home on her bike into the gentrified section of the predominantly Latino Mission district, or “what she likes to call the ‘whiter and brighter’ side of the Mission.” Inside the house, tuning into dire radio and police dispatches, she decides it’s a “better time then [sic] ever to activate the network,” apparently a fictional surrogate for BANANAS. The “network” has caches of food stashed throughout the Bay Area, which members collect and bring together at a “National Autonomous Zone, where people can be trusted to keep the zombies away.”
The “zombies” are non-whites, who “emerge from the confines of the projects and barrios where the city likes to keep their surplus labor contained.” The story ends with the woman on her way out the door to a safe house, chambering a round into her .45 pistol, and proclaiming, “It’s time to get out of Dodge.”
White nationalists taken with this kind of scenario have long proposed creating white homelands or what have been called “Pioneer Little Europes.” The “PLE” movement encourages white nationalists to consolidate their presence in white neighborhoods, creating a communal atmosphere whose insularity will repel ethnic minorities. H. Michael Barrett, the originator of the Pioneer Little Europe idea, has engaged in discussions with national anarchists about the shape of his plan. For his part, Yeoman conceded that BANANAS’ National Autonomous Zones are similar to PLEs, but he claims BANANAS’ enclaves will be superior because residents will be selected far more carefully.
“A PLE has all the problems inherent with an open-door hippie commune in the 1970s, with the free-love mentality,” Yeoman said. “We’re what a PLE would be if it had higher standards.”
Strait is the Gate
The reality is that BANANAs’ philosophy is such that it has thus far drawn few followers and many enemies. Hard-liners on both the far left and the far right have expressed their disdain for national anarchism in no uncertain terms.
“I am totally dedicated to finding an equitable solution to the Jewish question. But I will be damned if I will bust my ass and sacrifice my individual desires so that a bunch of social leftists can co-opt the struggle,” said one poster at, the world’s largest racist Web forum. “You want the flash of calling yourselves ‘anarchists’ without any of the philosophical baggage that accompanies such a claim. The name ‘anarchist’ has a pseudo revolutionary flair. You want that, but do not want to be linked with 19th century Jewish bomb tossers.”
“Our role with the white nationalist movement is a transformative one rather than symbiotic one,” Yeoman responded in an interview. “We have friends in the white nationalist movement but we have just as many enemies.”
Even some who are ideological BANANAS’ allies do not agree with its recruiting aims. One of the few other national anarchist groups in the United States, Idaho Falls, Idaho-based Folk and Faith, has no interest in recruiting “left-wing scum,” in the words of its leader, a former bonehead who uses the name “Joe Hadenuff.” (BANANAS’ magazine Hadenuff was named in his honor.)
In a forum post, Hadenuff made clear who he thinks potential recruits to the movement should be. “Try ex-boneheads that have all grown up and are raising families, try ex-reactionary racialists now moving on to folk-centered idealism, try ex-NS’ers [National Socialists] that just got worn out on ’88’ [neo-Nazi code for “Heil Hitler”] and Sieg Heiling cameras as a purported answer to our folk’s problems,” he wrote. (Last year, Hadenuff, a former soldier whose real name is Jeremy T. Wilcox, had part of an Army court martial verdict against him — for attending a Klan rally and posting racist material in 2000 — set aside.)
On most of the far left, BANANAS is even more despised.
One of the few non-BANANAS to express support for the philosophy is Keith Preston, who runs, an online gathering place for anarchists critical of far-left anarchism — a philosophy that Preston has sneeringly suggested is held by “throwaways from exurbia who think they are doing their part to bring down the System by renouncing deodorant, gorging themselves with tofu and calling their bourgeois parents Nazis for voting Republican.” Preston seeks to build tactical alliances with separatists of every stripe, including Christian theocrats, white nationalists and black separatists.
That attitude — the willingness to seek out recruits from other political sectors, many of them non-racist — is what has many observers worried about the potential for national anarchists and their small but growing movement.
“The National Anarchist idea has spread around the world over the Internet,” is how the Political Research Associates report puts it. “The United States has only a few websites, but the trend so far has been toward a steady increase.”
The movement, PRA concluded, could become the new face of the radical right.
SURGE IN FAR-RIGHT CRIMES: German Authorities Warn of Rise of ‘Anarchist’ Neo-Nazis, Der Spiegel, May 19, 2009. See also : Dortmund! May Day! Sieg Heil! (May 11, 2009).
New figures from Germany’s domestic intelligence agency show that the number of far-right crimes in Germany increased by 16 percent in 2008. Officials warn of the rise of Black Bloc-style “anarchist” neo-Nazis who actively seek violence at demonstrations.
Authorities in Germany have warned of a worrying new tendency within the far-right scene — the rise of violent “anarchist” neo-Nazis.
Heinz Fromm, the president of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, warned Tuesday of a “new phenomenon” within the far-right scene. Presenting the agency’s 2008 report in Berlin, he said that over the last two years a scene had emerged of “anarchist” neo-Nazis who dress similarly to the so-called Black Bloc of far-left anarchists and who deliberately seek violence at demonstrations. He put the number of so-called “right-wing anarchists” at between 400 and 500 people.
The report also reveals there were 19,894 far-right crimes reported in Germany in 2008, an increase of almost 16 percent over the previous year. Of those, 1,042 were acts of politically motivated violence, an increase of 6.3 percent over 2007. Most of the other crimes were propaganda offenses.
The number of people with extreme far-right views in Germany is estimated by the agency to be around 30,000 in 2008, a slight decline over 2007, when it was around 31,000. Of that number, around 9,500 are thought to be prepared to use violence. However the number of active neo-Nazis in Germany increased significantly in 2008, from 4,400 to 4,800.
According to the report, membership of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) declined slightly last year, from 7,200 to around 7,000 members. However the role of neo-Nazis within the party has grown, said Interior Minister Wolfgang Schäuble. “The neo-Nazi part of the spectrum is gaining greater influence within the NPD,” he said. The NPD, which has seats in two state parliaments, officially rejects violence and avoids explicit Nazi references.
Fromm rejected speculation that the NPD could be facing collapse, saying that the party’s current financial crisis would not lead to it being unable to operate “within the foreseeable future.” The party is in dire financial straits due to, among other things, a €1.27 million ($1.73 million) fine from the German government because of irregularities found in the party’s 2007 financial statements. The fine was originally set at €2.5 million but was later halved by a Berlin court.
Schäuble rejected proposals to ban the NPD, saying that the legal obstacles to such a ban were high and there was a significant risk that an attempt would fail. A previous attempt to ban the party in 2003 collapsed when it was revealed that many of the witnesses for the prosecution, including high-level members of the NPD, were in fact government informants who had penetrated the party.
Schäuble and Fromm also warned of the threat of Islamist terrorism in Germany. Although there has not been a successful Islamist terror attack in Germany to date, that was no reason for complacency, they said. “We are still in the cross-hairs of violent Islamists,” Schäuble warned, saying that the German military’s mission in Afghanistan is “a thorn in the side” of Islamists.
There are “significant” numbers of potential Islamist extremists in Germany, Schäuble said, including converts to Islam. Many Islamists have traveled from Germany to Pakistan to attend al-Qaida training camps and there have been messages from terrorist groups clearly targeting Germany in recent months. Certain Muslim groups in Germany, such as the Islamist Milli Görüs movement, want to introduce Sharia law in Germany, the agency warned in its report.
Schäuble also talked about the threat of far-left violence. Anti-military action was the focus among left-wing extremists, he said, adding that police officers were attacked with a “horrifying lack of restraint” during the May 1 riots in Berlin and elsewhere. The threat from left-wing extremists is clearly seen in the massive increase in arson attacks on vehicles in 2008, the report says.
dgs — with wire reports
See also :
‘Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists’, Spencer Sunshine, Public Eye, Winter 2008
‘National Anarchism – Trojan Horse for White Nationalism’, Nick Griffin, Green Anarchy, No.19, Spring 2005
‘Co-opting the counter culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction’, Graham D. Macklin, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol.39, No.3, September 2005
‘From slime mould to rhizome: an introduction to the groupuscular right’, Roger Griffin, Patterns of Prejudice, Vol.37, No.1, March 2003 [PDF]
In a piece about Australian Aborigines, elsewhere on this site, you cite approvingly the following quote:
“Aboriginal sovereignty… exists without a state and lives in bloodlines and the soil itself, not pieces of paper.”
Blood and soil, in other words.
So why do you deny the same concept of sovereignty to the indigenous people of England?
I’m trying hard to understand your bizarre, racist viewpoint.
Keith Preston’s article about National-Anarchism is the most objective one I’ve read:
This article is really good too:
Strange combo, I reckon I’ll invent Authoritarian Chaos.
I’d totally be a poser being a British-oriented Catholic but still, good times.
G’day English N-A sympathiser,
That quote is by John Tracey. It is not a citation, nor do I ‘approve’ of it. Rather, it occurs in a comment by John in response to a post on the subject of ‘Anarchism and Aboriginal sovereignty’.
G’day Punk,
I’m vaguely aware of Keef — he’s a North American blogger yeah? I’m also aware that some kinda online debate has occurred in response to some of his comments on the subject of ‘national anarchism’, but I haven’t really paid it much attention. I did enjoy reading Keef’s karakterisation of anarchists as being “throwaways from exurbia who think they are doing their part to bring down the System by renouncing deodorant, gorging themselves with tofu and calling their bourgeois parents Nazis for voting Republican.”
Tofu Terror!
In this context, it’s also worth noting that the League of the South enjoys the support of Kirkpatrick Sale.
G’day Jamie R,
It makes perfect sense to me!
Are you against Aboriginal self-determination then?
It’s very entertaining your comments sometimes @ndy, I don’t know what to expect, so I click click!
English N-A Sympathiser- your logic makes no sense.
Indigenous Australians are fighting for self-determination against centuries of genocide and colonisation (by people of mostly English descent) which has left them with their traditional lands stolen and their culture lost, as well as trauma and psychological scars from atrocities committed against them. Despite this, they remain living in a society which has disposed of its Racial Discrimination Act so it can further steal their land to hand over to uranium companies.
How does this compare to you in England? That’s a very ignorant and arrogant connection to make. And by your logic shouldn’t NA supporters in Australia leave back to Europe so that they can let the Indigenous population preserve their culture?
England has for centuries been sending its citizens to foreign lands to rape, pillage and colonise, and quite frankly, it has a culture for which there is little to be proud of.
There is a lot that we can learn from living in a diverse and multi-cultural societies, and little to learn from bizarre and contradictory ‘ideologies’ like national ‘anarchism’.
Well, seeing as you’ve put my comment up without replying to it, I’ll assume that you ARE against Aboriginal self-determination.
To assume is to make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ (but not ‘me’).
If you want to learn about other peoples, Julie, why don’t you visit them for yourself and see how they live?
When immigrants come here, their culture is watered down and westernised. But that’s what you really want isn’t it? The sanitised, Disney version of other cultures. So much more picturesque.
No culture can flourish without legal and territorial sovereignty. Those things are an integral part of culture.
You say there is little for English culture to be proud of…so you’re blaming the English working class and middle class for the actions of the ruling globalist, imperialist elite are you? Because a few capitalists conquered and pillaged in the name of England a hundred years ago, the ordinary English have to lose their culture and folkways?
What about a white country which never had an empire, then? Let’s say Iceland or Norway. Do you support the rights of indigenous Icelanders or Norwegians to maintain their sovereignty? Because if not, then you’re a fucking anti-white racist and that will be plain for all to see.
For you, a people only has the right to maintain their culture if they are what you see as ‘victims’. In other words, you don’t care about their culture at all, you’re just exploiting it for your own ends.
The Australian Aborigines also practiced a form of imperialism. The original inhabitants were what became the Tasmanian Aborigines, who were displaced and driven out by the Australian Aborigines until their remnants ended up in what is now Tasmania. Then the sea level rose, and cut Tasmania off from the rest of the continent. If it wasn’t for that, they would have been wiped out, just as they were later wiped out by British imperialists.
So your theory about the Aborigin[e]s being perpetual victims doesn’t ring true.
Now are you going to say that Aborigines can’t have their culture because once upon a time they were ‘evil colonialists’, and also made a lot of species extinct (e.g. the giant megafauna that used to inhabit your continent)?
‘N-A sympathiser’, please, by all means, gather together your fellow crypto-fascist morons and form your isolated separatist community – preferably in the middle of nowhere, far-removed from the rest of society. Hopefully in the process of shrinking the gene pool you all inbreed to the point of infertility/extinction. That way none of us will have to deal with scumbags like you.
Nobody with half a brain takes you seriously, and they most probably never will.
Go on, kindly fuck off.
A few points:
You appear to regard ‘culture’ as being synonymous with ‘nation’: they are not. Culture, at it most basic, is simply a ‘way of life’. Rudolf Rocker (March 25, 1873–September 19, 1958) explores this distinction at length in Nationalism and Culture (1933). Rocker makes the argument that “throughout the course of history the State has been the principal enemy of human social life and cultural development”; in other words, culture cannot flourish with the imposition of a form of legal and territorial sovereignty otherwise known as ‘the state’.
I think he was on to something here.
Re ‘English culture’: it is diverse and, like other cultures, the product of disparate forces over many years.
Re Australian Aborigines: in 1788, ‘Australia’ was composed of hundreds of nations — ‘Aboriginal Australia’ is a product of colonialism (and resistance). This map provides some further details.
Moar l8r…
English N-A Sympathiser- your logic makes no sense.
That’s the way! GET SPOCK ON THAT ARSE.
So I thought I’d be an equal opportunity offender, for the trolls and the intellectuals.
Did you know I have an Arab mate who told me not to put my name to this? Things have gone a little too far when that happens, I wonder how Monty Python handled all this bullshit? I just drink on weekends.
Anyways, here it is! Yay for me!
I’ve read Keith’s blog entries. They say very little of substance. The first loosely defines ‘national anarchism’ as being support for national self-determination, provides a handful of links to NA blogs/sites, and otherwise expresses unhappiness with comments on RadGeek’s blog. I’ve skimmed over the second, and like the first it is not an analysis of ‘national anarchism’ but an account of his past involvements in some forms of anarchist organising, complaints about his experience with these, the (in his view) over-emphasis upon ‘anti-racism’ and sexual libertarianism etc within this milieu, and an appeal to purge contemporary anarchism of its leftist pre-occupations with same.
Serious analyses of ‘national anarchism’ are available via the links I’ve provided.
Uh huh, Uni Twat, so you are basically saying that a tribe of separatist Aborigines who live in the middle of nowhere, are a bunch of inbreds.
There are a few such tribes, and when I visit the Australian outback (as I plan to) I’ll be sure to let them know what you and your fellow leftists think of their way of life.
@ndy, legal and territorial sovereignty does not imply ‘The State’. Again, to use the example of the Australian Aborigines, they had distinct tribal boundaries and fought inter-tribal wars, but could you call their way of governance the ‘State’? I think not.
Regarding English culture, yes, I am in favour of it breaking down further, into the traditional counties and smaller local autonomous units.
Your response to Punk (“serious analyses of N-A are available via the links I’ve provided”) is highly amusing! If something backs your own views, then it’s ‘serious’. Keith Preston’s analysis is not ‘serious’ because you don’t agree with it. At least you don’t pretend to be objective, ha ha.
I kind of like you, in a droll way. I may even include you as a character in the satirical political novel I’m currently writing.
‘N-A sympathiser’, I never mentioned ‘a tribe of separatist Aborigines’. Stop twisting my words.
I merely expressed the desire that you fuck off and die, because you’re a fascist scumbag whose ideas are antithetical to the interests of all people, indigenous or otherwise.
This was your comment, UniTwat:
“isolated separatist community – preferably in the middle of nowhere, far-removed from the rest of society. Hopefully in the process of shrinking the gene pool you all inbreed to the point of infertility/extinction.”
In other words, according to you, people who live in separatist communities/tribes in the middle of nowhere are prone to inbreeding.
So that obviously applies to outback Aboriginal tribes, Amazon Indian tribes, and Inuit tribes in the Arctic.
Your words, your logic…
Lol @ crypto-nazis wanting to rescue the ‘indigenous English culture’ from globalisation.
It’s pretty meaningless to talk about ‘indigenous English’. You’re talking about a ‘people’ created by a dynastic administrative region who were only meaningfully mobilised as a ‘nation’ after ‘England’ had ceased to exist as a state and become part of ‘Great Britain’. The ‘English people’ (however you define that, I expect it’s in a bullshit Anglo-Saxon “racial” sense) for most of ‘their’ history were without any ‘national consciousness’ whatsoever.
These ‘national anarchists’ take the worst parts of a romantic nationalism a century past its sell-by date and take it at face value. The belief that there are ‘races’ and that these are co-incidental with ‘nations’ is pretty laughable.
A couple of points:
1) “No culture can flourish without legal and territorial sovereignty. Those things are an integral part of culture.”
“Culture” has always changed and mixed throughout history subject to various geographic, economic and political pressures. Your view is totally idealist and ahistorical. There were no “national cultures” until the period of the capitalist nation-state. Before its ability to create “national cultures” through national educational systems, print capitalism, a ballooning state bureaucracy etc, you had incredibly varied illiterate peasant cultures, with a dynastic or imperial state over their heads run by people who usually spoke another language entirely. The subject population had no “national consciousness” whatsoever, and for most of history saw no problem with rule by functionaries who spoke a different language than them. The state – “territorial and legal sovereignty” – made “nations”, not the other way round.
In fact many “nations” are creations of prior empires and/or their functionaries creating administrative regions which then go on to claim independence. E.g. Vietnam formed from the Chinese Empire, India from the British Empire, The Central Asian republics from the Soviet Empire, etc.
2) “Regarding English culture, yes, I am in favour of it breaking down further, into the traditional counties and smaller local autonomous units.”
So you are in favour of re-instituting administrative regions that English royal functionaries created as an effective way of managing the subject population, taxation and the mobilisation of armies? Bizarre.
What I was actually sarcastically contending is that because there are so very few of you crypto-fascist ‘National Anarchist’ morons in existence, the gene pool in your proposed separatist ‘tribal’ community couldn’t be anything but tiny, to the extent that you would probably be driven to inbreeding (I wouldn’t put it past a group of brain-dead fascists to engage in such practices). This same argument does not apply to what you have termed “outback Aboriginal tribes, Amazon Indian tribes, and Inuit tribes in the Arctic”, because their populations are generally sufficiently large enough to avoid such problems. Your joke of a ‘movement’ is dismally small, and so too, apparently, is your mind. The number of brain cells in your head seems to be roughly equivalent to the number of idiots who subscribe to your ridiculous ideology – I could probably count them on one hand. Your ‘National Anarchism’ will never be more than a delusional fascist pipe dream because most people are endowed with enough common sense to realise that all forms of fascism, regardless of their manifestation, are bullshit.
In the true manner of an idiot, you have managed to completely misunderstand and misrepresent what I said, whilst continuing to address me in a tone of presumptuous arrogance. Well done.
Django: The national and regional cultures exist, regardless of how they came into being. They exist, they are real, deal with it.
There is no such thing as the ‘Aboriginal race’ either by your logic, because they were a widely varying collection of tribes with different languages. The ‘Aboriginal race’ was also without any racial consciousness for most of its existence, but are you claiming that it doesn’t exist?
“The belief that there are races is pretty laughable”, is it? Why so?
UniTwat: You are wrong, fortunately. N-A is the fastest growing political movement in England, and there are also many sympathisers and fellow travellers, especially in the music scene. There’s already quite a large ‘gene pool’ as you quaintly put it, and it’s getting bigger all the time.
It’s also growing rapidly in Australia from what I hear. It’s strong in Philadelphia and San Francisco, it’s extremely strong in Portugal.
You come across as a bitter, twisted little gnome.
“In the true manner of an idiot”, ha ha, your grasp of the English language is first rate.
At least Django can string a sentence together.
The thing I really don’t understand about you people is why you actually attack National-Anarchists, when you would be far better off under their ‘system’ than you are under the current one. You could live among people who think the way you do (all ten of them), and you’d be a much happier person as a result.
And you wouldn’t have to put up with those pesky ‘fascists’ you hate so much, because they would have their own communities, and wouldn’t be there to bother you.
So why do you hate National-Anarchists so much?
English N-A sympathiser writes:
I repeat:
You appear to have problems with basic comprehension. (Presumably, this would also be a characteristic of the population of the little village of white people you dream of living among — another reason I suspect it would attract few visitors.) The differences between Preston’s complaints and the work of Macklin (and Sunshine) could not be clearer. This is why their work constitutes what grown-ups call ‘scholarship’. In the case of Macklin, this has been established by way of his examining Troy Southgate’s political evolution, and by placing it within its social and historical context. Macklin also provides something called ‘evidence’ — not merely anecdotes — for his views, providing copious notes referring to such things as ‘books’, ‘journals’, ‘zines’, Internet sites and forums, and even interviews, including with Southgate himself. Further, his essay was subjected to something called ‘drafting’, which is something that grown-ups do as they write. In addition, his essay was subject to criticism before publication: by other specialist scholars (Macklin credits Kevin Coogan, Martin Durham, Roger Griffin and Joe Street). Finally, it appears in a journal which is subject to something called ‘peer review’.
If you persist in arguing in bad faith, your comments will simply be binned.
The specialist scholars you mention (Coogan, Griffin et. al.) are all leftists, @ndy.
They’re not objective.
Preston’s analysis was objective, because he’s neither a National-Anarchist nor a leftist.
‘Bad faith’, nice. A betrayal of your communist background?
‘N-A sympathiser’,
1) That sentence that I constructed is perfectly comprehensible. The syntax of the very sentence in which you suggest otherwise is, on the other hand, pretty sloppy. But let’s not be petty now.
2) The concept of ‘race’ is socially constructed and rooted in arbitrary prejudice and irrational fear rather than science. A categorisation as rigid as ‘race’ has no firm basis in biology. The notion that there are ‘races’ which are essentially correlated to ethnicity really is quite laughable because it is derived from 19th century pseudoscience. Now who’s being ‘quaint’?
3) As I said before, it would really be quite convenient for you and your silly fascist buddies to voluntarily isolate yourselves from the rest of society to an even greater degree than what you already do. By all means, go and establish your village of idiots. Just don’t expect anyone with half a brain to follow your lead.
4) I don’t know why I even bother arguing with with fascist scum like you. It’s kind of like screaming at a wall. In the words of Durruti: “Fascism is not to be debated. It is to be smashed…”
You are far more of a fascist than I, UniTwat.
My motto is “live and let live”. You on the other hand are a bigot quite prepared to use violence against those you don’t agree with. I only advocate violence in self-defence.
‘Race’ is not a pseudo-science. There is a biological concept called a ‘species’, you may have heard of it. Species, in turn, are divided into sub-species. The vernacular word for a sub-species is ‘race’. In evolution, each new species develops from a sub-species (race) which has branched out and become a new species.
Mankind is a species and the different races are sub-species. Eventually, if nature has her way, they will become separate species, furthering the planet’s biodiversity.
If people like you have your way, all the races will ‘melt’ and become ‘one race’, destroying the very diversity that nature is working hard to achieve.
English NA sympathiser:
“You are wrong, fortunately. N-A is the fastest growing political movement in England, and there are also many sympathisers and fellow travellers, especially in the music scene. It’s also growing rapidly in Australia from what I hear. It’s strong in Philadelphia and San Francisco, it’s extremely strong in Portugal.”
You really are deluded, the National Anarchist’s only presence is on the internet and occasionally co-opting other demonstrations for a few minutes before running away. The reality is that these bastards are too scared to turn up and hold their ground at any demonstration because they know they’ll be beaten, and rightly so!
“the Southern Poverty Law Centre has for the first time taken note of similar ideological developments among the far right in the United States; and just a few months after Spencer Sunshine dissected ‘national anarchism’ for US publication Public Eye (‘Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists’, Vol.23, No.4, Winter 2008). It is also being published over eighteen months after local anarchist groups issued a statement exposing the ‘national anarchists’ — organised under the banner of the ‘New Right’ — as being the latest in a long line of fascist groupuscules. (See also : “Pathetic Australian anarchist statement on the New Reich”.)”
yeah, the SPLC copied PRA. imitation is the highest form of flattery.
also these articles are several years after Green Anarchy’s 2005 denunciaton of the N-As. after 8 or so years after syndicalists started an anti-NA listserve, around when uk antifas prevented them from holding more ‘anarchist heretics book fairs’.
these fucks just won’t go away, will they?
You people are the fascists, beating up people because you don’t agree with their views.
You make me sick.
Historical note for “Len”:
Gianfranco Cresciani, “The Proletarian Migrants: Fascism and Italian Anarchists in Australia”. First published in The Australian Quarterly (March, 1979):
Yeah. I was a member of the Anti-National-Anarchist list back in the day… I also remembers when a few nutty Englishman tried to hold Ye Olde Englyshe Booke Fayre… epic fail. Southgate/New Reich is now holding monthly chats, *ing a range of racist and fascist creeps.
‘N-A sympathiser’,
1) If you can’t see how stamping out fascism is a form of self-defence, you must be pretty clueless. An opposition to fascism is entirely consistent with anarchist principles, and there has been a long anarchist tradition of fighting fascism in whatever form it takes. Anarchists have always been at the forefront of the struggles against fascism. To label such an opposition to fascism as itself ‘fascist’ is incorrect and nothing short of stupid.
The only fascist here is you. Your ideas undeniably have roots in Third Positionism and the fascist ideology of Troy Southgate and other assorted lunatics. ‘National Anarchism’ is incontrovertibly a form of fascism. Your ideology is racist, homophobic, irrational and antithetical to the interests of all people.
2) Read any secondary school biology textbook (that is how elementary your misunderstanding is) and you will realise that Homo sapiens (humans) are a subspecies of primate, and that beyond this there are no ‘subspecies’ of Homo sapiens. You will notice the distinct lack of taxonomic classifications for subspecies of Homo sapiens, because in reality no such thing exists. There are no ‘Homo europaeus’ or ‘Homo alpinus’ or ‘Homo mediterraneus’, for example. These are false typologies of 19th century pseudoscience, and are only taken seriously by the foolish adherents of debunked Nazi race ‘science’. You are demonstrating a distinct inability to grasp the most basic of biological concepts. You are full of shit.
3) ‘Diversity’ implies coexistence. You are intent on perpetuating this bizarre and fallacious notion that a person’s culture stems from their biology. You seek to segregate people, according to the colour of their skin, into separate communities. That is the antithesis of diversity.
On the history of anarchist anti-fascist struggle, see :
1. The Arditi del Popolo in Italy: the first anti-fascist organization (1921-22)
2. Valkyries & Pirates: Resistance to Nazism
3. Resistance to Nazism
Shattered Armies: How The Working Class Fought Nazism and Fascism 1933-45
Edelweiss Pirates
Arditi del Popolo
43 Group
4. The Anti-Racist History of Anarchism (Zabalaza, PDF)
5. Organise!, No.70 (Anarchist Federation anti-fascist special, PDF)
There’s lots more, esp inre the anarchist struggle against Franco…
@ndy, on May 31st, 2009 at 5:44 pm said: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
I speak for myself. When I refer to the rejection of ‘national anarchism’ by anarchists, I refer to two things specifically: first, the fact that a number of local groups — Anarchist Direct Action, Barricade Books, Melbourne Anarchist Club (Melbourne); Jura Books (Sydney); Wildcat (Wellington) — are signatories to a statement rejecting these sillies; secondly, to the best of my knowledge, no recognised anarchist group or individual has expressed anything other than contempt for Welf and his little friends.
I ask how old you are in order to ascertain whether or not your ignorance is a product of youthful naivete or something else. Also, inre Scott, in recognition of the fact that racist teens are still in the process of developing their views, and therefore should not be judged too harshly — or at least, not as harshly as someone who has had many more years to adopt a mature political position. (And, perhaps implicitly, that being a teenybopper is probably an advantage in terms of one’s ability to swallow the nonsense that is ‘national anarchism’.)
Heathen Anarchist,
I think you’re being disingenuous. B&H are a neo-Nazi network. Scott obviously has sympathies for that mob — that’s why he has attended their (private) gigs, is a member of their Internet forum, and maintains friendly relations with its members. As a former member of SF, and having previously been a close associate of other, local boneheads, racist and fascist groups — including the mob associated with Welf — and as someone who continues to subscribe to ‘white (micro-)nationalism’, his ‘anarchism’ is fraudulent. Obviously, Scott is free to associate with whomever he chooses — these are his choices, and I suggest that they are meaningful in terms of assessing his politics and, by extension, those of the tiny handful of other members of the far right attracted to his nutty worldview. See also ‘White nationalism v national anarchism’.
This is in addition to an examination of his/their formal positions.
I’ve expanded on the subject of ‘national anarchism’ and its r/ship to fascism at length on my blog. Otherwise, I suggest you read Macklin’s essay and that of Spencer Sunshine, links to which I’ve provided above.
I would like to read the author’s opinions.
Another black man loses his life on the street
A young punk goes down by knife in the east
The worst of vermin are on the rise
A little kid is beaten down outside her home
Onlookers don’t help, she takes the beating alone
They look away and ignore her cries
We’ve got an enemy to beat
We’ve got to meet them in the street
There’s a time to fight and that time has come
We’re coming for you, naziscum!
While another easy victim is left to die
The authorities they turn a blind eye
Reports are filed and nothing is done
‘Cause these are the killers they themselves create
Ugly symptoms of a racist state
Like the father, so the son
And now they’re marching under the black flag
Stolen to replace a swastika filth rag
It seems they are too stupid to understand
That it represents the opposite of their ideology
The antifascist black flag of anarchy
Is not for their filthy hands
See also : APEC : New Reich / “National Anarchists” (September 8, 2007) | All Heil the New Reich* (September 18, 2007) | Anarchist statement on the New Right (October 21, 2007) | Anarchist statement on New Right (cont.) (October 29, 2007) | APEC : Notional Anarchists (November 20, 2007) | The BNP’s German pals face their own troubles (Searchlight, March 2008) (March 10, 2008) | : last words (May 1, 2008) | Troy Southgate as state asset? (May 23, 2008) | White nationalism v national anarchism (June 3, 2008) | Neo-Nazi ‘national anarchists’ in Germany in the headlines (June 4, 2008) | Seig Heil! Boneheads, NPD, APP, Darrin Hodges… (August 25, 2008) | Vote 1 Darrin Hodges the National Anarchist Protectionist (and er, Saleam’s Lot) (September 7, 2008) | The New Right in The Public Eye (December 18, 2008)
UniTwat, you say you [are] going to use violence against national anarchist[s] in self-defence, how do they offer any threat to you? Has any of them actually used violence against you or anyone else, or advocated it? They seem to want to secede from society, so how does that offer a threat to you or anyone else? How are they fascists, when they don’t want to control anyone? They don’t want to tell you how to live, so what justification do you have for calling for violence against them?
They are fascists in the sense that they are literally neo-Nazis.
So, you know… there’s that.
Careful Doctor. You’ll make Scott cry.
nazi punks FUCK OFF!
So, @ndy, Cam and UniTwat, just to clarify, do you advocate violence against people or groups you regard as neo-nazis, even when ordinary people don’t regard them as such, and they offer no threat to you?
I’m just interested to know.
If yes, will you be committing the violence yourselves, or just calling for others to do it?
I support the right and encourage the capacity of those groups, individuals and communities which form their intended targets to resist fascism. What form this opposition takes varies enormously, across time and place, and according to the needs and desires of these groups, the law, the success of fascist organising, its relationship to the state, place within society as a whole, and so on. In contemporary Russia, for example, neo-Nazi and other fascist groups have embarked on a reasonably successful terrorist campaign, killing hundreds and injuring thousands more. They have done so with little interference from the state, and in some cases its complicity. In this context, the decision by various anti-fascist youth to ‘bash back’ makes sense, and also appears to have been reasonably successful — in the short term at least, and in a number of cities where previously neo-Nazis could operate much more openly. Tackling the appeal of fascism, and Russian chauvinism, is a longer-term project, and necessarily involves, I think, the construction of a much broader oppositional culture, opposed to both the far right, the Russian state, and the Russian kleptocracy.
Inre the present context, the national anarchists are tiny, and harmless. Ridicule is sufficient to keep the sillies from getting too silly.
As for my own involvement in violence: I have on stand-by a group of 40 Kiwi anarchist fush ‘n’ chup loving rugby players, 20 of whom I know by name. When I need to, I will simply order this mob to Attack! Attack! Attack!
Andy you forgot the code again.
The code is:
The Whale is Beached!
So you don’t support violence against National Anarchists at this point in time, because there aren’t enough of them to justify the effort. But if they increase in numbers and visibility at some point, then you do advocate violence against them?
Like a naughty little doggy, I recommend the use of a rolled-up newspaper to smack them gently on the nose.
Mrs Smith is in The Garden.
I repeat:
Mrs Smith is in The Garden.
I’m not affiliated with any political groups, left wing or right, but I have read a lot of material about the National Anarchists and can say with certainty, being an indigenous Australian Aborigine, that these people are not racists. They have now established an American Indian chapter of NA and an African American chapter. Although I said I wasn’t interested, they asked me if I would like to set up an Aboriginal chapter. I enjoy your website, Al…
G’day alex,
I obviously don’t know what your political affiliations are, what they may have been in the past (if any), or what they might be in the future. Thankfully, for present purposes, this is irrelevant. So too your claimed status as “an indigenous Australian Aborigine” (although it does beg the question what is a non-indigenous Australian Aborigine). But let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that this is correct: you are “an indigenous Australian Aborigine”. In this instance, you’re applying what’s usually termed an ‘argument from authority’, and as such you’re engaged in a very weak form of argumentation. In other words, your status as “an indigenous Australian Aborigine” provides you with no particular insight into the ideology of ‘national anarchism’, nor does it provide you with any particular authority to declare “these people are not racists”. Beyond this, a few points:
You do not identify who “these people”actually are. In Australia, two individuals have publicly asserted that they are ‘national anarchists’. The first is Welf Herfurth; the second is Scott Harrison. Both Welf and Scott are racists. In fact, neo-Nazis. Welf is the leader of ‘Volksfront Australia’, a network of neo-Nazi skinheads established by a small group of neo-Nazi prisoners in Portland, Oregon in 1994. Its leading member was Randal Lee Krager, a man with a string of convictions for violent, racist crimes. Other members of Volksfront have committed other violent, racist crimes: in 2003, Volksfront’s Washington state chapter leader, Kurtis William Monschke, joined three boneheads in beating to death a homeless man in Tacoma using baseball bats and rocks. A few months ago, the Australian Volksfront franchise held an event to raise funds for those the organisation claims are ‘political prisoners’:
As for Scott, he no longer espouses ‘national anarchism’, having re-baptised himself a Reverend in the White supremacist cult known as ‘Creativity’. Otherwise, he has continued to be an active supporter of neo-Nazi groups Blood & Honour Australia and the Southern Cross Hammerskins.
Volksfront Australia, ‘Creativity’, Blood & Honour Australia and the Southern Cross Hammerskins are explicitly White supremacists. That is, inter alia, racist.
Regarding ‘national anarchism’ as an ideology, I’ve already discussed the topic at length; mostly by reference to the handful of scholarly and general articles that have been published on the subject. Beyond this, the journal Patterns of Prejudice contains a number of other articles charting the recent history of racist and fascist political formations, and the various twists and turns of fascist ideology and movement in the post-WWII era (and, moreover, post-Communism). If you wish to question these, feel free.
Finally, with regards the existence of “an American Indian chapter of NA and an African American chapter” — if they are anything like the ‘chapters’ in Australia it’s literally one, or possibly two, young racist kooks with access to the Internet and a desire to have a blog (hence the ‘Ballarat national anarchists’, ‘Hamilton national anarchists’, ‘Western Australian national anarchists’, ‘Yarra national anarchists’, etc., etc., etc.). With regards “an African American chapter”, I’m aware of the fact that some bloke called ‘Lloyd Lacy’ has very recently declared himself to be a ‘national anarchist’. Prior to this, he declared himself to be a fascist (he may still — I dunno and I don’t care); he’s also declared himself to be a Muslim, and swastikas and pictures of Adolf Hitler adorn his online profile.
In summary, Lloyd Lacy is a barely literate crank.
The fact that a fascist crank has decided upon another label to describe his political beliefs does not mean ‘national anarchism’ is not a movement of White supremacists, any more than the fact there are Slavic neo-Nazis means that Hitler did not regard the Slavs as sub-human, or the fact that ‘Java’ Jack van Tongeren is of Indonesian descent means that the ‘Australian Nationalists Movement’ was not a neo-Nazi groupuscule. Anyone who maintains otherwise is simply ignorant.
So yeah: it’s a funny olde worlde.
Andy, your smart middle-class white fella attitude I find very insulting. Firstly, you besmirch my sincerity, and secondly, doubt the uniqueness of my ethnicity and culture, which you tell me are ‘irrelevant’. You sound more like an SS officer than an anarchist. But then, I suppose they do have a lot in common. Both set in their ways; both intolerant of others and both convinced they are right.
My people are descendants of the Diyari who lived for thousands of years in peace and harmony around Killalpaninna in the Territory. My full name is Alex Ngantijilini. My dad was Joseph (ol’ Joe Ngantijilini). The history of my family and the traditions of my clan are all too familiar to reiterate.
The people I have met from the National Anarchists have at all times been respectful towards me and the plight of my people. I have spent times in their homes and have been treated with respect and courtesy.
My clan had a ‘tribal’ structure: a headman, a wise man and a kunkie (healer). Apart from ‘Aboriginal rights’ which mean nothing, and in reality have kept my people oppressed and exploited for decades, all we have are our racial memories, which I and a few others have preserved in the form of language, artifacts and stories, many of which I am in the process of recording.
My friends in the National Anarchists also have a history which they wish to preserve, which, like our own, existed before the British ruling class (to which I suspect you are related) stole our country.
That they should want to preserve their history is a good and noble thing to do, and has nothing to do with Fascism or Nazism. As far as your brand of Anarchism is concerned, it’s as impotent as a limp dick, having no foundations in real history that are not ‘reactionary’, no plan for the future and little or no respect for the culture of others. All I see you displaying is hatred and resentment.
You will always be a tool of the ruling class: the corporate capitalists, who would like nothing better than to have a world where diversity has been wiped out and all national and cultural boundaries eradicated, so as to ensure the free flow of ‘consumerism’ and ‘finance capital’ to which all the cultures of the earth will be forced to submit, to cast off their traditions and in their stead, put on the melting pot garb of ‘the world consumer’ devoid of any higher feelings or aspirations beyond the desire to consume and be entertained, ad nauseum…
I hope you and your deluded bunch come to their senses before it’s too late. But I think, somehow, the New World Order have already bought your souls and are getting you to do their dirty work.
The Aboriginal branch of the National Anarchists will be in operation next week. I intend to send you a few photographs. Then, I suppose, by your logic, we too, will be your enemies.
I also expect that you will censor this post, as it does not conform to your ‘black and white’ view of reality. Nevertheless, you’ve got the message…
‘It’s a funny olde worlde’. By saying this, I hope you are not leveling another insult at my people.
I see you’re not as anarchistic as you would like us you believe. White fella censorship is something my people have endured for years…You are the controller of this little corner of “cyberspace” your country, so to speak. Your rules apply…hypocrite.
Now you’re being silly.
Of your two comments, the second is very silly. Actually both are silly, very silly, but for different reasons. The second comment is silly because it leaps from the mundane fact that ‘comments on my blog are moderated’ — that is, I have to approve them before they are published — to the claim that a) I am therefore ineligible to consider myself an anarchist and b) this moderation is also somehow a product of colonialism.
And of course, I’d only be a “hypocrite” in this context if I insisted that every other blogger allowed unmoderated commentary on their blogs, while I myself was free to do otherwise.
Pretty silly stuff.
As for the first silly comment, again, you’re simply being tendentious, presumably in the forlorn hope that I’ll lose my cool… or something. I dunno. I often wonder what motivates trolls: presumably some combination of attention-seeking, malice, and spite.
I didn’t besmirch your sincerity, I simply don’t take the anonymous comments of strangers at face value. I also made the point that whether your claims are true or false — that is ‘My name is Alex and I am an indigenous Australian Aborigine’ — they’re irrelevant to the subject at hand, which was ‘National Anarchists are not racists’. As evidence, you did as I stated: invoked an ‘argument from authority’ and further claimed that ‘national anarchists’ have now established American Indian and African American chapters. I’ve pointed out the flaws in these claims, which you’ve chosen to ignore, instead proceeding to make various unsupported allegations. There’s little point in my responding to them as you’ve demonstrated that you’re uninterested in serious discussion.
If you’re gonna troll, make an effort. Quoting huge slabs of text from an essay by Welf Herfurth and then attempting to pass it off as your own is neither big nor clever. In fact, it’s even clumsier than your previous attempt to position yourself an an “indigenous Australian Aborigine”. (By the way, you didn’t explain what a non-indigenous Australian Aborigine was. No wait: don’t bother.) This is especially so given the fact that this is the same person I noted just a day or so ago was both the leader of the ‘national anarchists’ in Australia and a neo-Nazi groupuscule named ‘Volksfront Australia’.
You’ve obviously got a bee in your bonnet about my blog — and especially my criticisms of the tiny clutch of racist kooks who call themselves ‘national anarchists’ — but do you really think that engaging in such silly antics is going to assuage your anxieties? Like many of the other periodic attempts at trolling my blog, this latest episode is quite tedious, and unlikely to be of interest to anyone besides yourself. Nevertheless, I’m going to publish your latest comment alongside of Welf’s original blah, and allow others the pleasure of noting the very subtle changes you’ve introduced to his text.
Between [the] different races we note great differences. Not only the skin colour, but also how we act in different situations and our physical abilities. The Negroid race is generally a more physical race than the Asian or ‘Indian’ or European or Semite. He has the well known (if always given in cliché form) abilities at certain sports and music, and in the case of my own people, an almost mystical affinity and respect for the land. Some Asian groups on the other hand have a higher IQs and a capacity for skilled application to the finery of life and culture. The Eskimo tops the class in IQ. The white man is generally more practical and scientific. The Semitic groups have the ability to form intricate systems of religious and mystical Gnostic thought. In some ways, each is ‘better’ than another and in some ways ‘lesser’.
There are also differences within the races whereby each may be broken into sub-groups. There are also OBVIOUS anatomical variations. I suppose we could apply that principle to the Asian race. Japanese are ‘fairer’ to Vietnamese; Han Chinese have heavier frames to Thais. The skull of the Ethiopian may be easily compared to the Senegalese and the legendary collectivity of the Zulu contrasts with the freer structures of Sierra Leone. And so forth.
This incredible difference between races and variation within races is a NATURAL THING. We can say God made it that way (if we are religious in our view) or we can say nature made it that way (if we are evolutionists). Whichever way, we are dealing with a fact of existence – a wondrous fact. The differences in humanity cannot be a thing decried, but only accepted. Once accepted, we should celebrate it.
When I travel, I love to cross a border and be instantly in a different world. Just going from Germany to Switzerland is amazing. The landscape might be the same as might be the architecture, but the people and the cultures are different. And that is what I would like to preserve. Look at Europe today. You have so many other races living in England that more than half of London is non-white. If we go to some countries in the Arab world, we would think we were in Pakistan. If we go to India, we find people wanting to be Americans and chatting away only in English. What effect does all this pseudo-globalization have on the economy of this country? What about the survival of the heritages of the ‘native’ peoples? I’m Aboriginal, but I would not be offended if people in an African country became annoyed with too many tourists or businessmen making pests of themselves. I wasn’t upset either when Libya sent home many of its guest workers or when Nigeria sent off its illegal immigrants. Nor am I offended when an Icelander asks the question why do they need so many Indians in their country? My people often ask: why do we need so many white people in our country? It almost seems that if everyone was in his ‘place’, being himself, there would be less tension and more respect.
Where does all the pressure for ‘one world’ end? Let us imagine every person on this planet was melting potted away. No more Asian, African, European or Indian races. Let us assume, therefore, that there was no more racial diversity in people. Let us assume we could teach one language, use one money-system, knock down all barriers and borders and live in one huge corporate capitalist market place. What would the benefit be? Do we really think that would make for a better mankind or a more harmonious or prosperous or culturally achieving world? And of course, can we assume that if we could put humanity through a blending machine that differentiation might not reappear, in a new form perhaps, but still operate in human affairs?
Of course what is different often has the appeal of the exotic and one cannot prevent the small scale intermingling of the races, which also has its benefits. In certain places too at different times this has occurred on a visible scale, with historical and cultural forces operating to produce over long periods new results. But when we are confronted by those who suggest it should be the norm and be pursued consciously and aggressively, then we must act to prevent the large-scale destruction of singular identities and struggle hard to preserve the diversity of humanity.
I do not know if there is an agenda to encourage the one-world result. I suspect it[‘]s the greed and lust for POWER of mostly WHITE people who push this vision. For one, I would attack that sort of ‘vision’ as a monstrosity and prefer the racial differences and diversity of people and of my OWN PEOPLE.
I know that in today’s western society discussing the race issue is rather sticky and a dangerous ground to walk on, even for Koories. But I am willing to do that. I believe that the survival of MY PEOPLE and the different races and cultures is as important as the survival of the whale, elephants and different birds. It is a worthy goal if it is kept as a celebration of diversity as essential to overall human progress. We are still a family.
I would REPUDIATE any notion that one race is better than another race in a hierarchy arranged from the best to the least (FASCIST/NAZI SHIT). It is precisely because the races have different skills and aptitudes and possibly deficits that this cannot be done. The races of humanity are equal – but they are not the same. We can and we should accept that these differences are recorded in our cultures. Our cultures are the windows to our souls. They define each of the races, each of the sub-types, each of the peoples. These cultures are treasures.
Could we have a world of peoples in definable zones as an alternative to the New World Order of chaos and destruction? Perhaps that is the ultimate expression of the argument I am putting here! But the agenda of the political liberals, the mass media outlets and the entertainment industry in promoting multiculturalism [sic] (which in my opinion is actually liberal monoculture and the manifestation of a HIGHER FORM OF WHITE COLONIALISM[)]. This model in its earlier form was forced upon Aboriginal people and is now increasingly pushed upon other peoples as part of New World Order Imperialism. People across the world are rising against this model. ‘We are all equal!’ They cry, ‘but we are not all the same!’ Viva la revolution!!!
I’ve been vindicated. Why else remove my post on race, which could not, in any way, be construed as ‘racist’. The truth is, all you are programed to deal with is the logic of yesterday, cliche interpretations with predictable outcomes, which all ensure ‘your will be done’, at any cost, including truth and rational debate. Anything outside this antiquated way of thinking and you’re completely stumped. You just don’t know how to deal with it, do you? So, you censor it. And you call yourself an anarchist. Ha! You can’t fool this black fella, mate. We’ve been dealing with people like you since Captain Cook sailed into the Bay. I wouldn’t be surprised if you worked for ASIO or the CIA. I mean, you’re too intelligent to not know what’s going on.